1. Personalized entertainent will definitely make a strong shift in the way our lives look

  2. Will this lead to a further "de-coherence" of society? What are we going to talk to each other about? In the TV days it used to be easy: "Did you watch THE MOVIE?" then it got harder: "which one, aah, that one, right." then it will be impossible "you generated what?"

  3. Yeah I have this story in my head for a couple of years, and at some point I thought that it'll be easier (not cheaper though) to make a movie than write this down. For some reasons it's really hard to me to pack those pictures from my head to the text, but now I'm started to get grip of it.

  4. In software development I sometimes have the same problem. To tackle this, I work "backwards". I literally start with the end and work my way back, to fill in the blanks.

  5. Well yeah I have characters well defined, some of their backstory (not for all, Helga is still cryptic to me), and I have an outline of the world they living in.

  6. For my own curiosity I asked ChatGPT to give me some hints on how to evoke vivid images in a reader. It gave me a list of 10(!) techniques, gosh. This stuff seems hard.

  7. On then one hand, I find it irritating that industry doesn't grasp the opportunity on their own.

  8. Companies need guarantees to provide them "planning security". They possibly have to hire more people, build up production capacity before being able to supply the agreed upon amount of product. If there is no binding contract which provides that for them, they won't start investing. This could bankrupt a company if done recklessly.

  9. Ob's gut oder schlecht ist wird sich zeigen.

  10. You're keeping it vague, I guess intentionally. Migrating a sub this heavy in automation to another (not quite ready, still buggy) technology stack all together is a very risky undertaking. Done without planning, I'd call it even reckless.

  11. Try "Give me your tree of thoughts in a nested list form when asked the question: {question}". Then adjust your questions to make it behave more stringent.

  12. Ich find's ja immer wieder erschreckend, dass Merz und co konsequent gegen die Pläne der von der Leyen, also einer Parteikollegin, wettert. Immerhin tut die in der EU mittlerweile recht häufig Dinge, die die CDU national verteufelt.

  13. Es geht nicht um die Inhalte. Es geht um Wählerstimmen.

  14. Guys, it started even earlier. Nobody seems to remember about the closing down of

  15. TEN REASONS why people other than you are stupid idiots who don't read. (Number four will shock you!)

  16. Are you really of the opinion that open source models should be regulated (as in by the government) and if so, which types and which sizes or capabilities of models are you proposing to be?

  17. I'd be willing to contribute to the Lemmy port if given some rough hints as to what "should be done". Meaning, if the Reddit code should remain or be replaced wholesale, etc. Management decisions basically. :)

  18. I've had more luck with Jeroba, but having the FOSS Reddit apps support lemmy would ignite adoption even further.

  19. ChatGPT also provided the image prompts, which were then fed to Midjourney, along with some swinging sixties style!

  20. I love these. This format is great. It should have its own name.

  21. There is a joke about free will in there somewhere but I can't put my finger on it.

  22. Says the brilliant politician from a state that is already experiencing the consequences of worsening climate change

  23. "Denial is the most predictable of all human responses."

  24. The models you’ve referenced are not showing anywhere near the same performance as GPT-3.5. That’s an insanely bullish take that’s so far beyond reality.

  25. I didn't imply anything. I just said their competitors are catching up, so they have to create their "moat". Having regulations which require companies to have certain certifications to operate LLMs (as Altman proposed to the Senate committee) will ensure them less competition.

  26. I'm constantly being astounded of the level of discourse you US Americans are accustomed to. In Europe, this behavior (from both sides actually) would have led to prohibitions to return to this area long ago.

  27. LOL imagine the cold Duke of the north wearing these

  28. I've yet to see a cold duke of the north behead two of his wives.

  29. Please tell me this is fake news because if it isn't I'm living in Idiocracy. A free press needs encryption to protect them and their sources from bad actors.

  30. Why do we always assume that people in power would be intelligent? Most of the politicians out there are pretty ignorant.

  31. Anekdote einer Bekannten: während der Vorlesung meinte ein Prof, dass das behandelte Thema "zu hoch für Arbeiterkinder" sei... Und ich selbst habe als Arbeiterkind im (städtischen) Gymnasium von einer Lehrerin immer wieder gesagt bekommen, dass "hier nur die Elite Deutschlands lernen könne" mein Gott, wie habe ich die Arroganz mancher Lehrer dort gehasst.

  32. Zeitungsartikeln in 2030: "Eltern vertrauen KI-Lehrern mehr als den echten Lehrern. Was sind die Gründe? Und warum sind die Eltern schuld?"

  33. Wenn man die ganzen Erfahrungen von verschiedenen Leuten liest... ich verstehe glaub langsam sehr gut, wieso das "helikoptern" auch in der Schule so verbreitet ist.

  34. Ich verstand dich auch ohne edit. Habe diese Erfahrungen bereits gemacht. Der Wahnsinn hat manchmal System, stinkt vom Kopf weg (über mehrere Ebenen hinweg) und ist schwer auszuweichen (Sprengelzwang, Gastschulantrag, etc.).

  35. "Wie wär's, wenn wir das Internet einfach abschalten? Das würde so viele Probleme lösen. Kein Cybercrime mehr, keine massenhafte virale Verbreitung von Fake-News, keine Internetsucht mehr"

  36. "May 17 (Reuters) - Three Russian academics who have worked on hypersonic missile technology face "very serious accusations", the Kremlin said on Wednesday, in a treason investigation that has spread alarm through Russia's scientific community.

  37. Lots of people who helped the Soviet Union were executed because they were "in the way" of some bureaucrat somewhere. It seems this culture survived the fall.

  38. When rebuilding, they should take that "opportunity" (sounds horrible) to build an education system for the next century (not from the past century).

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