1. Om vi bötfäller köparna in i personlig konkurs och fryser ut dom ur samhället så kommer gängen inte ha nån att kunna sälja dödsknark till. Här har vi lösningen på gängvåldet allesammans

  2. Inte en helt dum idé för dem som medvetet stödjer gängen och våldet. Hade du inte avstått alkohol eller ostron om ni visste att försäljaren spränger bostadshus eller skjuter småbarn?

  3. Absolut, men rent strategiskt så är det ju en urusel idé. Folk kommer alltid köpa gräs oavsett om försäljaren skjuter barn eller inte.

  4. Good morning, afternoon or evening depending on where you are in the world. I just made a new song called “Rizz”. I want honest feedback from anyone willing to listen. Thank you in advance!

  5. I think the main rap vocal could use some mixing to bring it up front a bit, to me it feels a bit buried even tho everything is intelligable. Maybe cut some high mids out of the instruments to make it sit?

  6. This is a cool song. I feel you could make the chorus hit harder at 00:40 somehow, maybe amplifying the bass or adding a cymbal or more pronounced hihats.

  7. Hi everyone, I am looking for feedback on my new song. Anything that comes to your mind, about the mix or the composition. I never made a dancy song before, so I'm curious what you think!

  8. Looking for some feedback on this track to bring it up to a professional quality level (would like to post on spotify, etc.). I'm especially concerned if the vocal sounds okay or if it needs to be mixed differently (my first singing job), and if the percussion / kick in the second half of the track fits.

  9. Would love some feedback on this pop track. Will return feedback!

  10. ayo finally finished producing something interesting blending some genres - would appreciate technical and structure/musicality feedback. thx

  11. https://soundcloud.com/user-910072307/frost?si=cc65daac1b4a4f67b3df40522e96c4f7&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing

  12. Such a hopeful and happy track. I think the two guitars are fine soloing simultaneously. The only piece of criticism I have is that I think everything (especially the guitars) need to be brighter and more in your face. Just a lot more compression and treble I suppose.

  13. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V4Gr_WzhcrCfxe1qMcYS2bCfx3shAN8s/view?usp=drivesdk

  14. Woah what is happening? I was there just last year and it was so nice and peaceful

  15. Great, just what we need right now; more people telling me what to think. Yeah trump's an ass but this aggressive polarization is why the country's fucked.

  16. Is that how you perceive content? It only exists to tell you what to think? Do opinions not exist in your world?

  17. I think it's better to objectively point out the obvious horrendous things the man did instead of perpetually using the racist card as a crutch. It's getting old and it's not helping.

  18. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TDwRq8J7cKddkrTr5qjt-o6Bi19sNRTC/view?usp=sharing

  19. a rough demo of my current project. It's far from finished but I've come a long way and would appreciate any ideas you have on how to develop this further. If you have any ideas for an intro I'd be stoked

  20. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XDwncHl4f6bIK8ivGctevayXpGIQkOvF/view?usp=drivesdk

  21. song really shines at the 25 second mark not sure what was bad about the original but this is sweet! Maybe spice up the beginning a bit but overall very impressive

  22. The original was build around a recording of an acoustic guitar riff that really didn't work, so I took the drums, bass and vocals and started this instead. Thanks for your comment!

  23. Really fun and playful energy. I would have liked: -More elements contributing to the build than just a loud riser -Louder drums in the main section -More layers on the saw -more distortion overall

  24. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tfx-iOkwDfJH3oJrfaE3yv4rok4qI0JL/view?usp=drivesdk

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