1. They cant restore character? What kinda bullshit is this?

  2. Ignorance does not grant innocence. You still get speeding tickets even if you didn’t see a sign that said the speed limit went down.

  3. a random person placed a few in my camp, what about us, the victim's? I dont think people are going to get banned for this tbh. They didn't get banned for the turret glitch and they didnt get banned for the vendor glitch either. Bethesda doesnt have a system in place to detect this. Only reported players will get banned, but Honestly they should just fix the base building system. Its all types of broken. Im able to actually get any extractor in my base, this glitch was introduced with wastelanders and not many people know about it.

  4. They placed 20 and u used them all? Yeah totally innocent

  5. Its like a Protest against the ammo factory glitch

  6. Someone did a similar post awhile back, the mods took down the post and banned that persons account from posting in this sub reddit. These mods here are wishie washie

  7. A shame this is what Mr Cain will be remembered for. Following trump to his death.

  8. Here’s $2500 to Gideon, fuck Susan Collins

  9. Stunned? 😅 They dont know who our president is?!

  10. My ex is the first 1, its the reason shes my ex

  11. My steel is worth more then the shitty rewards Bethesda is trying to give us

  12. Fallout 1st. They put infinite storage behind a paywall

  13. I gave all my characters names like hdjfueirvcj because it doesnt matter. Only your account name matter and i made that 400 years ago. Named it dicknballsforever... so0o, theres that.

  14. How long is it going to take to make america great again because when i suppoted trump his model was keep america great. So, are we done using the kag slogan because america is not great again?

  15. Thank you for sharing your Survivor Story.

  16. 10 million a day and watch trump still say its under control and if that dont work then its all obamas fault!!

  17. He sells the best cars for the best deals

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