1. This is the kind of post that are allow on this forum????mod need to do better than this shit

  2. It’s time that the moderator should get together to come up with rules for this sub. Then those rules should be followed regardless of one own judgment!

  3. Lol, “nothing good” only through a 90 day lens! When you widen you lens from gambler to investor which means going from 90 days to trending 24 months - there is a whole lot of good..

  4. Yea you right on the part when he mention about the non insurance part “seem that where AI will played…hopefully we see/ hear more about this soon.

  5. Here's a quick comparison between a Clover Health Choice (PPO) vs the HumanaChoice H5216-185 PPO (4.5 stars)

  6. Work hard and maybe one day you can also have the same amount of shares

  7. Respect as always, Thankyou for the write up. I was little shock with the rating yesterday because I have high hope for Clov to maintain they rating, however shock with the outcome but not with the way CA and Clov as the company have grown. I invest in the future not the present and I still think that Clov can and will profit in 2024 and 2025.

  8. Thank you for this write up. I was a bit shocked when I read the news but your post put it into perspective. Hopefully next year they will go back to 3.5 or even higher, but this basically means they won't be able to grow until 2026.

  9. They can still grow if CA does it jobs, Clov have this year opens enrollment to get enough members that can over come the loss in bonuses, and maintaining those members for 2025 “no or little grow in 2025” but 2026 year the majority of grow will happen. I do think that Clov can have profit in 2024 and 2025 if CA can improve mcr and Clov can get more members this enrollment to take advantage of the bonus for 2024.

  10. Good points. I think you're right about 2024, but it's hard to see them profitable in 2025 with a 3 star, maybe breakeven, but again maybe they will be.

  11. Healthcare is hard. A lot of the big insurers have plans in different markets that have 3-3.5 stars. Some at 2.5 stars.

  12. Look on the bright side 2024 is the deciding year for Clov, let see what the open enrollment brings….

  13. Conspiracy theory 101….. big player are asking cms to delay the rating this year due to huge drop in rating for every company except for Clov

  14. If I have to guess, I would guess cms star rating to be on Oct 6 so everyone can have the weekend to digest.

  15. I healthily envy your shares, hope you have a good avg and not stuck with a high one.

  16. A decent average and I also have periodically buys so don’t really care what happen to shares price now since Clov future is what really matter.

  17. Just treat this as an opportunity…..got myself 10k shares today…..

  18. I need an update on my flair… i need a shack of balls. Around my 💎

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