1. I don't like the live-action adaptation. Tried the first two episodes, dropped it, and never looked back. I don't understand the hype and (in my experience) almost nobody outside the OP community talks about the show at all. It's like an overly glorified bubble of this community.

  2. Because Stake Your Soul is not a VS card. VS has consistency issue compare to top tier deck like Mathmech, Spright, Tear, Branded, Purrely and D-Link. VS doesn't always get to their main card Razen.

  3. Konami has overly-balanced Stake Your Soul tbh. SYS has no business for being a normal spell card when something like Quick Launch, Branded Opening, or Purrely memories are quick-play.

  4. The off-screen stories are way more interesting than what's happening on screen. The politics, background stories, foreshadowing, and stuff like that.

  5. Gw irl juga kehilangan beberapa temen gara-gara mereka openly against islam pada tahun-tahun itu. Padahal mereka juga (dulunya) muslim dan temen deket gw waktu sekolah. Bener-bener tahun yang aneh :/

  6. Man, I still have the whole deck lying around. It was my first deck since it was so cheap.

  7. Same here, it was the cheapest and most hated atm lol

  8. People tunneled on just the Buttler setup or even worse, the DPE setup, and just had no idea what to do past that.

  9. I still remember the whole discord channel kept on telling newcomers for DPE pass and I was like huhhhhh???????????

  10. You are dumb and you should be ashamed of yourself. I ain’t reading allat.

  11. I bet for 5$ that he's some bullied kid that has no personality outside of powerscaling

  12. Idk if D/D/Ds are meta at all but I just finished my deck and man are they funny.

  13. I wish konami adds more DDD support for more consistency so we don't have to rely on Piri Reis or Small World

  14. Jadi inget teori konspirasi yang jadi alasan US nyerang Libya karena Muamar Khadafi mau pake emas buat transaksi minyaknya, dan enggak mau pake USD

  15. The reason the warlords are so important is because of the factions each control

  16. I also do this when the match is unwinnable because I only care about the dailies. I wonder if someone made fun of me

  17. This right here☝🏽I love Oda and he’s a fantastic story teller IMO only second the Miura but some of the decisions he made may not have been the best.

  18. I really think that Oda just decided to throw Kidd aside for shock value. Why? Because not only Kidd had a wasted build up, but they also released an SBS about Kidd and his crew.

  19. Man you said that all like Vinsmoke Judge dissing Sanji at the end of WCI.

  20. Oda rushed Shanks character at this point. We can get another character like Greenbull to show off Shanks' power but they already used that formula so instead they decided to use Kidd instead.

  21. Gue punya Om yg dulu didiagnosa mesti cuci darah, ktnya krn trll sering minum obat pereda sakit jd ginjalnya udh sangat bermasalah. Om gue nolak, katanya kl emg udh harus mati, biar aja meninggal dgn kondisi sakit apa adanya.

  22. Alm. Bokap ada gangguan organ dalam eh langsung vonis harus cuci darah. Sewaktu sudah meninggal ada temen bokap (praktek di SG) layat, beliau bilang seharusnya belum boleh cuci darah karena jatohnya malah bahaya karena kondisi tubuh yg belum fit dsb.

  23. The first week was a good run. Until people started abusing the coin toss and then it's either Drytron or Eldlich for like 3 months straight.

  24. Karena masalah ekonomi. Sejak dulu pun begitu, orang takut ke dokter atau RS karena pamornya kalo ke faskes bakalan keluar uang banyak.

  25. wkwk aneh jg, padahal BPJS tetep bs dipake meski belum bayar iuran. kocak orang bisa punya BPJS, g pernah bayar, tapi juga g mau k RS. barangkali takut ditagih begitu dateng k RS. "hayoo bapak nunggak BPJS 3 bulan yah"

  26. 2018 gw KKN ke salah satu pedesaan di Jawa Tengah pun begitu. Gw sama tim udah bikin sosialisasi kecil-kecilan soal BPJS ini tapi responnya malah "Ngapain mas bayar-bayar kayak gitu, mending kerokan."

  27. I almost exclusively play solo mode lol

  28. Dulu pas SD ada yang gak naik kelas. Tapi adek kelas, dia memang berkebutuhan khusus gitu mungkin, bandelnya minta ampun dan suka gigit orang. Terus pas aku masuk SMA, denger kalau anaknya ibu kos pernah gak naik kelas. Dia cewek gitu, cantik bet, tapi ya gitu deh kelakuannya. Terus dia gak lulus SMP juga, ikut kejar paket. Dia masuk SMA antah berantah, baru beberapa bulan gitu malah hamil. Terus, pas aku lulus SMA, keluar dari kosan tuh, dia lahiran.

  29. Honestly I didn't mind the swordsoul meta, could have fun back and forth duels and win

  30. Swordsoul meta was funny because I ran pure Prank-Kids with 3 Nibiru back then (this was before Adventurer).

  31. Carry-ish offlane is way better than the typical initiator/tank offlane in archon-legend bracket. Heroes like Marci, Nature Prophet, Broodmother, and NS are absolute menace if you want to escape legend bracket.

  32. Idc, he played much better than most mcs lmao.

  33. Only because OCG did nothing with it and didn't have the full support. It was immediately clocked as a powerful engine, doubly with spright and mystic mine, in TCG.

  34. Whats the difference between OCG Runick and TCG? Why they didnt top at all?

  35. ...Mystic Mine is honestly the biggest reason.

  36. A "god" in One Piece is pretty much just a very powerful person, not some otherworldly being like in real world.

  37. I think it will be better this time since there won’t be any adventure tenyi halq spam

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