1. I don't unless there's a serious situation that prevented them from studying. That being said, we negotiated the assessment dates in advance, so I've had this be a problem rarely. What I do get is kids being out on test day & the policy is they take the test the next day back.

  2. Yeah. If the creator of this graphic is under 25, they probably lump GenX and Boomers together like my kids do.

  3. Because they suckle exclusively on big tech's teat & we've been conveniently left out of the generation sparring memes?

  4. Habéis pensado en la adopción? Sería una buena opción no solo para vosotros sino para la familia que criara vuestro bebé.

  5. I'm for the right to terminate pregnancy to be clear.

  6. It's concerning that teachers in the US have to supplement their income.

  7. While it's good news, one never gets over the frustrating fact that lgbt people have to wait to have the equal rights of marriage & adoption/ivf/surrogacy until the majority of straight legislators or straight judges or straight voters allow it.

  8. India is one as well, but it only costs like 30 bucks As long as you don't have any relations with pakistan you get it every time :) How much is the one for vietnam?

  9. Hanoi-entry was hilarious when I went in Winter 2015. People were putting their bribes directly in the passport and --not unsurprisingly-- they quickly got into the country.

  10. Who else has flirted with learning Russian mainly to read Chekhov how he wrote it? He's top for me

  11. Wouldn't it have been easier for them to just charge a fee for equipment that hadn't been returned?

  12. I've found Switzerland to be the most honest place I've lived. If you would damage something and not own up to it, you are outside of the norm. A few simple examples: Plants at nurseries are left outside overnight and no one steals them. You get on public trans & it's done by honor system (no turnstiles). You get products first and pay later (without credit card) Bikes are not always locked, and when they are, it might just be around the frame and tire. Do unto your neighbor is big here

  13. You had me until micro-aggression

  14. If the phone is owned by the company or she put company apps on it (teams, microsoft authenticator, etc), then yes, they would probably know.

  15. Thanks for that. She does have teams and authenticator on her phone and she didn't think about that. Maybe now is the time to take it off.

  16. it might be cloud enrolled after first login into teams, auth, outlook.. etc. So i would not use the device.

  17. Really? Does that mean that even if I remove the SIM and the apps, they could still know where the physical device is? That seems like quite an incredible over reach

  18. The first news from FLA that's made sense in a long time

  19. Just what people don't need--another device

  20. Tons of good governance down there, eh /s

  21. Almodóvar made this movie years ago.

  22. Instagram and tiktok. You trade away your time and attention for powerful companies to track and advertise to you

  23. And I wonder how much the ever-growing data field has contributed to this. Let's document everything! And let's differentiate to the nth so that every boy and girl feels 0 barriers to accessing our interdisciplinary, co-created, student-centered curricula

  24. And what would that "look like?"

  25. "...reach out..." I always say, do you mean you'll contact me? Call? Email? Because I don't need a phrasal verb meant to imply closeness for that

  26. And that’s why stagecoaches had two guys up front, one driver and the other rode shotgun.

  27. Fitting too given that the US has devolved into final stage of wild wild west

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