1. Are you stretching after your workouts? I usually workout in the mornings, stretch a bit, and then do a proper 20 minute stretching routine before bed. The evening stretch REALLY helps how I feel the next day.

  2. I keep hearing that the LA zoo sucks lately because a lot of the exhibits are closed. There was recently a post about it on the LA sub, let me see if I can find it.

  3. I swear I have heard the exact phrase “goddamn girl” come out of Tyler’s mouth before and it sounded just the same 🤢

  4. Was literally just thinking this. Butch is disgusting and Tyler reminds me so much of him. Obviously a much better dad, but his mannerisms are so similar.

  5. My God, the amount of toll road apologists is insane. I didn't even notice the toll road sign when I got onto it. Just FYI, toll road markers are much less apparent than a lake.

  6. Glad someone said it. Especially if it’s a smaller company. It could have been unintentional, and I wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t at least ask

  7. They can’t even center the words on the paper correctly. This is giving angry boomer with too much time on their hands.

  8. I was about to say that I’m pissed at the way this person is staring and smiling at the camera, and then I’m seeing that everyone is saying it’s a mask and 🤯🤯

  9. Oh wow, I actually love these! Never thought I would say that about a low fodmap shirt lol

  10. They absolutely will confiscate reusable metal water bottles, I believe unsealed plastic disposable ones might be fine but YMMV. If you get it confiscated, I believe they give you a small paper slip and you can use that to get your stuff back at the end of the show outside.

  11. This is the home goods off edinger in HB

  12. Not a fan of that parking lot. It’s small and there are always people doing stupid things like this in it.

  13. Live in Palms / Culver City and give your GF the short commute. That way she gets home earlier and can take care of the chores and get dinner ready and you can enjoy the benefits of the reverse commute, since most people aren't driving East in the AM or West in the PM.

  14. “Give your girlfriend the shorter commute.” Aw, wow that’s so nice and selfless of you.

  15. Nice that she is getting to experience something that neither of her parents did.

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