1. I don’t think this is really true but I hate how half the replies are deliberately missing the point.

  2. It is pretty funny and ironic that all the commenters are outraged because "I'm an adult at 18 don't you know", when they are the ones unable to infer the deeper meaning from the sentence (which you gave) beyond what the words literally state on their surface level. Nor did they independently decide to read the rest of the article for themselves to get an explanation, meaning they have yet to reach Oxford Reading Level 15, a level which is intended for 9 year olds.

  3. Ok, but it always falls apart when you sit down and ask who they don't want. Do they want less nurses keeping the NHS afloat? Less fruit pickers working long backbreaking days? Less care home staff looking after incontinent old people for minimum wage? Less scientists, teachers and academics? I remember some research conducted 5-6 years ago that said it was just Polish plumbers that the public was happy to ban. Suspect that has even changed recently with how hard it is to find a tradesman these days!

  4. I don't think it really does fall apart. you can want, for instance, to fill the NHS vacancies without that meaning a shotgun approach to immigration taking all comers and hoping enough of them are nurses.

  5. So based on the increase in inflation due to tobacco, does anyone know why tobacco is actually still used to calculate inflation?

  6. Is it about addictive drugs being more regular in demand? The price can go up but you’ll buy just the same because you need to

  7. possibly, but the entire point of raising interest rates is to ensure people have less money with which to buy goods, therefore lowering demand and ultimately lowering inflation again. If people are buying an addictive drug at any price that defeats the entire purpose of interest rates and so we still shouldn't include tobacco.

  8. Make them as hot as you like, make them 99.9999% efficient. give a gift basket of champagne with each purchase if you like. Do whatever you want as long as you realise that until the cost comes down we simply don't have the money to install them.

  9. Oh my god just roll it out and all the tories complaining will quickly realise their car was always up to the standard and basically nobody except those in diesel shit boxes are affected at all and we can all move on with our lives.

  10. There are lots of cultures where it's normal to live with your parents until you get married.

  11. But this is irrelevant to our culture though. Lots of cultures might do something a certain way. Ours isn't one of them. You can't just start acting like you live in a generational house in rural China tomorrow and bring a spouse home and have kids in your parent house. That's not going to work because we don't do that, or have the space in our houses for that, in the UK.

  12. I really like discussions of these protests because it's a really great test of which people's opinions are actually based in some thought around an issue; and which people just repeat whatever they're told by whichever news outlet they read last.

  13. Yes but equally people only love the suffragettes because they're told to.

  14. It's not really about how much of an effect they had. They fought for women's suffrage which is an objectively good cause. Just like JSO is fighting against climate change, an objectively good cause.

  15. Hahaha learn to read before quoting the dictionary, he says missing the important "excessively or exclusively" part of the definition to make his argument work.

  16. This was true of the Baby Boomer and Gen X generations in their time though, but they became more conservative as they aged.

  17. But the article asks why do millennials hate the tories, not why will millenials hate the tories.

  18. Oh my god after spending more money than is reasonable on pretty much every aspect of life you can possibly conceive of and still allowing $10,000 for "other" they only have an extra $7300 extra to save and invest!

  19. My local secondary school has a racket going on with the local independent sports shop.

  20. I'll be honest with you I don't see how you can get much cheaper than £3.50 for a shirt £10 for shoes, and £5 for a pair of trousers. These are already untold-human-suffering-in-a-sweatshop tier prices so unless you want to replace those third world child workers with even cheaper toddler labour there's not much more Driffield can do.

  21. That's how everything I send has worked for years and years...

  22. Yeah I genuinely have never posted anything except parcels, in which case you go to the post office and the self checkout machine prints a load of barcodes and other stuff for you to stick on it. Chuck it in the chute and you're done.

  23. If it was so common and accepted it was akin to just having alcohol I'm not surprised.

  24. Is that the Prudence Brown who flogged off our gold at a knock down price, decimated the income of private pensions, taxed us to oblivion on the lie of co2, grew the economy on the back of unregulated credit that ultimately crashed, despite years of warnings that he ignored? That one?

  25. I'm at a loss as to why anyone watches any movie at all that says "based on a true story" and actually thinks "wow this must be exactly how it happened irl".

  26. Why the fuck would I care what random internet people think on an anonymous website? Try having fun for once in your life. Don't take shit so seriously. People like you are what makes this website a toxic hellhole.

  27. You think me WrItInG LiKe ThiS was taking you seriously? Spoiler alert I was laughing at you for being such a stereotypical redditor.

  28. I wish there was some way to get you to reflect on your tone, approach, and behavior, that's all. You're stuck in a cloud of negativity. It seeps through in everything you type. Just depressing I guess, I'm the empathetic sort.

  29. And if we show no sympathy how are we any better? There is a father and his son on board that submersible, and the fact that they are worth billions doesn’t change the fact that I wouldn’t wish this fate on anyone.

  30. I'm automatically better than them because I don't exploit people for money.

  31. "No no, it's okay that they died because they have more money than me. That makes it funny"

  32. It's okay, you don't have to pretend you care about billionaires. None of them are going to notice.

  33. jon6 says:

    I think a lot of it is rooted in businesses. Management types have to get the most out for the least amount of expenditure. Losing a day's wages per head is how they see it.

  34. It also relies on tacit admission that 20% of the job is pointless and not leading to any direct ROI for the company.

  35. I loved it. I was talking about the time period from batman v superman till last year where DC had no fucking clue what they were doing because they gave the keys to zack snyder.

  36. Okay so he didn't ruin batman for a decade then. Just a weird lie to tell was all.

  37. He singlehandedly ruined batman and superman for a decade. You're right he deserves more credit

  38. Yes because not being heard on a 600lb bike while sharing the road with people on their phones driving a 4-6000 lb vehicle is a good idea.

  39. It'll amaze you to know that when you're driving at 70 on the motorway I can't hear a fucking thing outside over the sound of my own car's tires.

  40. While this is technically a solution that works, it's akin to the "solution" of just locking up every man to reduce crime by like 90%.

  41. It already exits. If I don't re-use it, something new has to be made to fill that role.

  42. The only reason companies make stuff is so people buy and use it. If you reduce your usage, then the stuff won't exist.

  43. Wow no wonder you can't wrap your brain around reduce, reuse, recycle if you only eat Lidl mince. You must be deficient in pretty much everything that enables cognition.

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