1. Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Seen it dozens of times.

  2. Why do they say the consignment is an outrageous amount of money?

  3. While not as famous as his brother, Clint Howard was on an episode of the original Star Trek.

  4. Apparently, the lady who picked him, thought he was creepy, and didn’t go on a date with him.

  5. Was topless in a scene of the Dirty Harry movie Magnum Force.

  6. Are you sure? Didn’t think she was in that movie.

  7. Sometimes the premise of a show turns me off before I watched a single episode. Two examples, Glee, and This is Us.

  8. But the Db in my neighborhood with 7 trump signs and lets go Brandon signs is fine?

  9. Then I’ve been destined to go to hell since I was 12.

  10. I found out waking up from a rather interesting dream.

  11. Rereading A Passage at Arms by Glen Cook. Basically submarine warfare in space. First published in 1985.

  12. I have a ResMed travel cpap and use it all the time, not just for travel. It works great, is light and compact and easily fits in a carry in bag.

  13. I just bought one. Saved 20% by signing up for their emails. Expensive, but saves hassles because I won’t have to bring, or buy distilled water when I fly into my destination.

  14. I just bring my normal CPAP; the cruise line is usually happy to provide some distilled water for it.

  15. It’s small, doesn’t need distilled water. Can fit in your carryon. Big disadvantage, most insurance companies don’t pay for them.

  16. Bob and Emily from the Bob Newhart show, hands down.

  17. How many of the shooting victims had abortions? Yeah, crickets.

  18. Sounds like Tim has experience getting run through by 30-50 guys.

  19. Good thing you got the vasectomy before she decided she wanted kids.

  20. I don’t get it, what did he do wrong?

  21. This is the FBI, come out with your hands up!

  22. Don’t be afraid to try the Escape or Joy.

  23. I’m thinking it didn’t happen. Newt Gingrich lowering himself to mix with regular folks?

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