1. I recently had a mass / tumor / growth found INSIDE of my testicle. Not on the surface. I am confused as shit about the protocol as apparently a "biopsy" of a growth inside a testicle is the removal of the entire testicle (IT IS NOT ON THE SURFACE!!). You can not go in and just take a small sample of it. I will ask ChatGPT I guess? I was only partially made aware of this procedure as the urologist that I last saw said he " would try his hardest to save it."

  2. Just as an aside, the reason they jump straight to orchiectomy versus trying to biopsy it is because testicular cancers (if that’s what it is) are really easy to spread by “seeding” - that is, going in there with a needle and trying to take a small bite to see if it’s malignant has a high risk of spreading the cancer to other parts of your testicle/scrotum/body, leading to worse outcomes.

  3. Absolutely not. If a man with colon cancer comes to you to ask for a hemicolectomy, and you tell him no purely because of his criminal history, that makes you a bad doctor. Refusing to accept someone into your practice (except for reasons of personal safety, inability to remain unbiased, and/or logistical hurdles) is not ok.

  4. Same, I just remove/negate the normal summon and hope its enough

  5. 9/10 times, it is. Key point: none of the ancient warriors cards have protection from destruction/floating effects, so dark hole going second almost always wins automatically. If they have the 1000 ATK dude out with the fan (zhuge Kong), then play another spell first to draw out that negate. Then you’re golden. Source: I play ancient warriors

  6. There is a theory that depression is caused by (at least in part) chronic inflammation, as is heart disease. Similarly diabetes and gum disease.

  7. Cause and effect is hard to prove. Who’s to say that it isn’t the depression that causes the chronic inflammation? After all, being depressed and wanting to kill yourself is pretty damn stressful.

  8. I heard many doctors don’t take any oaths anymore. Is that true?

  9. No one takes the Hippocratic oath anymore, for a ton of reasons - it explicitly forbids surgery (“I will not use the knife, even on sufferers of stone”); it forbids abortion (not getting into the weeds there but that used to be important before recent political developments…); it contains a promise to teach medicine to the children of your teachers for free (I wish); and probably fundamentally is an oath taken to a variety of healing gods (not a whole lot of doctors who still pray to aesclepius).

  10. It comes after strep throat if you miss it and if you miss scarlet fever you can end up with rheumatic fever

  11. To be clear, you can get rheumatic fever even if you get scarlet fever too. They’re not mutually exclusive. Nor is PSGN, post streptococcal glomerulonephritis, which is basically kidney damage after a strep infection.

  12. Just show up around 10, bring binoculars, watch the guard set the code lol

  13. As the legend goes, the Welsh were the first to use a sheep intestine as a condom. The English improved it by taking the intestine out of the sheep first.

  14. I mean, that IS the original "Blood is thicker than water" quote.

  15. I hate to do the “well actually” thing but this isn’t true- much like “curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought him back” and “jack of all trades, master of none, still better than just master of one”. The original phrase is the first part, with the second being added later as a “gotcha” or reimagining of the saying.

  16. Glossika, Pleco, Hanping Cantonese, Anki flashcards, 5 minute Cantonese on YouTube.

  17. Have you found a good Anki deck? Or do you make your own cards?

  18. I think cut two MST, run 1xdark hole. Add in another copy of sun mou and two of 3 visits (if you can). Drop Liu quan, and only run 1 each of zhou gong and the fire dude that self summons on battle. I could also argue for dropping 1 of Defense of Changban, and if you add another sun mou drop one of the gyokku.

  19. Pretty sure it will be dark world but u rarely see them around tho

  20. Nah. A dark world mirror match is kinda fun because you get to trigger the rare effects of your cards that specify “if discarded by an opponent’s card effect…” plus you don’t get the stall that you see with timelords or aromages so the game can end relatively quickly at least by comparison.

  21. How the hell do you get a boxers fracture from someone trying to pass your guard?? That’s nuts

  22. Honestly yeah. The day I started changing my grandparent’s diapers and helping them toilet was about when I stoped caring about body shame around genitals. At a certain point you’re just kinda like “is what it is”. Circle of life and all that.

  23. I hope it works out for you, OP - that right person wrong time thing more or less happened to me with a fellow student. Fantastic woman, just too much stress in the way… I doubt that we’ll ever end up together but who knows? We just started dedicated and maybe when rotations begin again there’s another chance. Not holding my breath, although… I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t in the back of my head every so often.

  24. yes this is what I want to know. I really appreciate the male perspective but my baby spent a majority of the time with me during the newborn phase (or at least in my case) due to breastfeeding and newborns just needing to be near their mothers most of the time

  25. For my two cents - I’m a male medical student, but I know of three or four female classmates of mine who not only have children… but conceived and gave birth during medical school! Not to mention probably about three or four other female medical students who had children (anywhere from 1-8 years old) prior to matriculating, plus about two or three male students who had children during med school. I’d say a good 10% of my class are parents, actually; it’s absolutely doable.

  26. On a low dose SSRI. No side effects. Made my life livable. No longer feel suicidal or that I was worthless or that I wasn’t enough for anyone. Also stopped me from dropping more than the 10-15 lbs I lost in the course of like three weeks. Actually gaining weight back now which I have mixed feelings about, lol.

  27. I dunno but I feel like I would say something like “more than I expected but less than I hoped” and try to laugh it off?

  28. Relationships take investment. Some medical students (and doctors) aren't great partners because they are highly invested into their career and give the scraps that are left to their relationship. This can work if you have a highly patient (generally non-medical) partner that's willing to tolerate this and make up the difference.

  29. That second and third paragraph especially hits home - and it’s not anyone’s fault in particular but it’s what ends up happening. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ you do what you can, best advice is to go in with that in the back of your mind and agree to have an amicable split no matter what if it comes to that. Better to swallow your pride and allow a graceful exit than force half your class to take sides.

  30. 40/M was referred by the ED as a known case of HFrEF presenting with difficulty of breathing, shortness of breath, crackles, displaced PMI, bipedal pitting edema, and a cxr-pa showing blunted costophrenic angle. Labs show K+ 2.5, Na+ 135.

  31. Real talk, what should you do? I feel like correcting the hypokalemia is pretty important too, so maybe a potassium sparing diuretic like spironolactone or amiloride but the hyponatremia kinda freaks me out when it comes to giving a diuretic… just an M2 for reference

  32. As a current medical student (in the US, if you’re in another country it may be different) I can tell you that there is a sizable portion of my class that are fathers and mothers, and plenty of people who are here for a second career. Hell, there’s only like five people out of a class of 150 that took the “traditional” route of med school straight after college; the vast majority took gap years and a handful even have other terminal degrees (PhDs, PharmDs) in other medical adjacent fields.

  33. Good luck. I would tell you to do your best to find meaning with what time you have left, but I think you already have.

  34. Yeah… I sunk like six dream tickets into the deck and the whole fuckin thing is still garbage. Can’t get out of silver with it lmao

  35. Authleft: Wang Jingwei, the former head of the Left-wing Kuomintang, after losing a power struggle to Chiang Kai-shek, after losing the Chiang, Wang became the Chinese collaborator for the Japanese.

  36. Whoa whoa whoa. Chiang Kai-Shek isn’t a saint by any means but calling him a Japanese collaborator is flat out wrong. Dude literally lead China during the entire 2nd sino-Japanese war.

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