1. Nyari spare part barang langka gini lebih sulit. Yang mau beli aja dikit, apalagi yang mau beli bekas

  2. Yang beli bbca pake bibit, dividen nya masuk rdn wallet atau rekening lgsg ya?

  3. BBCA lompat sendiri tembus 9725...

  4. Gw terakhir beli bulan februari harga nya masih belom recover lol. Apalagi yg beli nya mepet mepet dividen

  5. Sering biboo struggles with tongue twister is so funny and cute

  6. PSA diskon gofood untuk pengguna bri tokped

  7. Update gojek specifically go-food yang bikin kalau order makanan ga lagi nunjukin posisi driver tapi malah jadi animasi animasi gajelas bangsaat ini TOLOL banget menurut gue, bikin appnya jadi ga intuitif karena gue jadi gatau ini driver terima order atau engga, posisinya dimana.

  8. Ga nunjukin maps itu karena lagi nganterin ke alamat orang lain

  9. Sorry nebeng nanya juga, menurut kalian untuk saat ini buat org yg pengen beli mobil, mending lsg EV atau mobil bensin dulu ?

  10. Kalo ev fast charging (binguo keatas) bisa bawa road trip Jawa, tapi selain itu ga bisa dibawa road trip.

  11. Okay cool. I'll suggest that to our group. Any specific places to visit or restaurants to go to? Also, I read your last comment on the guy from India who wanted to visit. I won't be a dick to waiters/waitresses in restos. Tip culture isn't a thing in Indonesia? Dang!

  12. Some places do have tip jar but barely anybody gives tips.

  13. It's not Sunak as much as it's the Tories. He himself hasn't done anything bad, he's the type of politician that'd go through his entire term by doing nothing good or bad.

  14. Maybe he's not doing anything particularly interesting or eye catching because his party is not united and thus his actions need to appease both sides

  15. Beli rumah berarti kamu siap 'take root' di daerah tersebut. Kalau memang masih pindah-pindah ga usah.

  16. This. Gw masih ga jelas mau kemana kedepannya. Sementara karena ga ada pasangan ya my residence is wherever my next company is.

  17. Me to my tenggorokan: why so weak? Masa pesen gofood nasi ayam goreng aja langsung radang -_-. the rest of the family (even my mom yg masih sakit dan belum 100% fit) eat the same thing and they're fine

  18. anjirlah 300k buat boci sm pernak-perniknya🫠🫠

  19. Minta seller nyalain pengiriman kargo ga sih, itu mahal bgt ongkirnya wkwkwk

  20. Menurut gw untuk segala hal yang related ke indonesia gpp stay di

  21. Emang ga dijelasin, baca artikel pinterpoin ttg ini aja.

  22. Sadly not a real foldable. It's the pointless nostalgia grab flippables.

  23. Not many people would like to take a thicc smartphones for the privilege of huge screens. More people prefer tinier (or cuter) flip phones that are just around the normal price as regular flagship

  24. Both options dont earn miles lol. AFAIK debit cards have cheaper fee vs credit cards so im still using debit for my planned trip.

  25. Jenius cc fee nya 1% diatas rate VISA. Dan karena kurs asing double point, jadinya untuk ewallet nett cashback 0.8%, garudamiles 2.7%, krisflyer 3.7%

  26. Yg Marina itu di gw ga terlalu keliatan kalo keringet. Padahal w makenya banyak. Kurang tau kalo merk lain gmn. Emg u pake apa bg?

  27. Kalo yg biru muda daily itu iyaaa. Ngebekas putih kekuningan jg di jam gw. Kurang tau kalo yg biru tua yg waterproof itu gmn.

  28. Kalo pas ke lapangan keringetan, air keringetnya gw putih wkwk. Lu gitu ga pake sunscreen yg waterproof?

  29. Yang pasti pasti aja, i don't have the skills to analyze stocks jadi masukin aja ke SP500.

  30. anyone works in the pharmaceutical production industry di indo? mau nanya kalo realistic ato engga kira2 kalo gue kapan2 pulang for good ke indo if i have a chance to work in the industry there

  31. Test the water aja wkwk. Kalo ternyata lolos user interview berarti kan chance nya masih ada

  32. Amannya masuk bagasi aja emang, kalo dulu sih umroh kalo cuma air putih ngak ada masalah satu botol juga, tapi kayanya cuma saudi doang yg gitu.

  33. Gw baru tau ke sana bawa air minum aman. Gw selama naik pesawat internasional ga pernah lolos cairan

  34. I have no hope with BRT as its already long enough and private vehicle does not respect the "Busway"

  35. Bandingin aja kapasitas mrt dan brt. Bus gandeng cuma muat 200, MRT 2rb.

  36. Di malaysia bikinnya di daerah mana? Mungkin di jakarta extra susah karena harus nyari lahan yg skrg udah penuh, navigate 999+ groundwater pipeline punya masyarakat yg ga terdokumentasi, milih profil tanah biar ga gampang anjlok, dll

  37. KL sih banyak yg komplen walau vast, ga menjangkau orang jadi masalah di last mile delivery. Diperparah ga ada gojek, jadi daripada MRT + grabcar mendingan bawa mobil sekalian

  38. yeah lol, my most played game at the moment is Stardew Valley and Balatro. They don't even need a GPU.

  39. Again, I'm not playing heavy games, I'm probably fine

  40. 2k for gaming PC won't even get you entry level.

  41. I got i3 12100F and used 1660ti for 1.8k. my gpu died after 3 months because i was repasting it (still not sure what i do wrong though)

  42. where to buy big size shoe? I'm 48UK and shoe shopping is hell on earth.

  43. No? RFID is just an option. Tng can still be used

  44. q1 q2 mungkin jelek, tapi long term baguslah ini.

  45. doable kan transaksi puluhan juta per tahun? wkwkw. jgn sungkan tagih apalagi yg non family (friends) biar ga tekor

  46. Kalo garuda 75-150jt per thn masih doable keknya. Krisflyer skrg 30k poin nyerahhh

  47. This exactly what I meant. Sedang mencoba mencari referensi CC mana yg lebih baik untuk everyday life especially everyday online/offline shopping life 😅. Thank you for the insight. Miles might be out of question for me now.

  48. kalo buat cashback tipis tipis boleh coba CIMB wave n go

  49. fore sucks,indomaret kopi sucks,kopken belum pernah cuba.starbucks is the cheapest kalau lagi promo dan isi kopinya juga full.

  50. Not a coffee enthusiast so i personally don't really find it so different lol. Heck, i even hated how coffee makes me feel jittery

  51. too much coffee indeed cause jittery.a small cup of americano to start the day is the best.

  52. So apparently kopi sachet is too much for me lol

  53. https://maps.app.goo.gl/Xg1QMQqQBtFXrS3E7

  54. Oh wow.. kacamata aja mahal sekali yaaa… dulu perasaan gw buat kacamata yang 500k an aja dah kemahalan buat gw.

  55. gw pake bpjs jadi ada subsidi, gw cuma bayar selisihnya 80rb wkwkw

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