1. Omg another accordion doggo!!!! I’m one too! Accordion feels like such an underapreaciated instrument nowdays <3

  2. Lot’s of ”Citizen soilders” songs are very sad

  3. I was a substitute teacher in a music class with a bunch of 14 year olds. They do as they do, wanna establish dominance by saying: ”don’t come here saying we should play instruments while you can’t even play yourself!” Me: Well I do in fact play the piano. (Continues to play one of few melodies I still remember how to play at the time which is ”I’m blue”) Them: omg it’s that ”I’m good” song from TikTok! Me: Please…. Please say that you know the original… Them: but that IS the original! I’ve never wanted to slap a room full of kids so bad in my entire life XD

  4. Kinda both. If I look at everything in a logical sense I don’t. But I really love ghost stories and like to believe in them for fun and have a couple experiences that I like to blame on ghosts

  5. I got a mango from my then boyfriend/current best friend on Valentines day. That was the best present I’ve gotten from a partner. No I don’t have any bad experiences, I just really love mangos!

  6. As a scout I’ve been camping most summers in my life and I’ve not been creeped out a lot but one time I remembered was when I was really young, like 8 years old, the other kids said that in the farm that we were close by had one sheep with only one eye. I got really scared and anywhere we went I was scared that this sheep would jump out at us XD

  7. I play the piano and accordion

  8. She is the second attempt in a breeding program to build an army of foxes to fight for the nation called Starvationville, led by the anthro wolf EdeTheWolf. ID#2 now called eyedee2 were too weak to fight so Ede adopted her and raised her as his own daughter, where she also learned to talk and walk on 2 legs. Today she’s helping out taking care of the fox cubs in the breeding program and owns her own restaurant.

  9. I can’t speak for all places but the ones I’ve been working at I’ve been hired as a game master where I basicly just run the games, reset the rooms and greet players. But the places has been so small so ever so often the owner or the main builder/teck guy ask for a second opinion like ”I did this thing now, what do you think about it?” Or ”would this or that be more fun?”. So everyone in the team gets to have a say even if the owner get’s the last word. But even if I don’t build the rooms I think working at an escaperoom has been one of the most fun side jobs I’ve had.

  10. Jag har inte men min polare som jobbade på en bar i vår lilla småstad på östra Smålands kusten. Det var nån som beställde något och när han kollade upp på vem det var så var det Daniel Norberg och några till. Visade sig att Digeloo gänget gjorde en mellanlandning efter att ha varit på Gotland

  11. Beror helt på om man är ledig och kan åka ut och bada varje dag eller om man är instängd i en fabrik hela dan

  12. Ievan polkka. On my old school we had one day of the year where everyone would run a race together. Every year I would hear Ievan Polkka with Miku and I always took note on how wierd the voice sounded but just thought it was a stylistic choice by the singer. One time I saw the 3d animated video and was like: OMG ITS’S THAT ONE!!! And from that day I was obsessed XD

  13. Det brukar finnas ett alternativ när man lägger upp något om man vill lägga upp i textformat, bildformat, videoformat osv.

  14. Jag är inte bra på sånt som ni vill ha men, vi har exakt samma färger xD

  15. Jag tänker typ att Svart/röda kunde stå för ”frihet mellan färgerna”. Typ de röda ville stoppa kriget och därför har man med röda element. Och om man någonsin målat och blandat alla färger så blir det nån form av svart. Dvs kombinationen blir: ”få slut på krigen och välj vilken färg du faan vill för alla färger är bra”

  16. I hear you! Jag är på för en collab. Men först vill jag bara veta vad fan vi står för? 😂

  17. Förtydligande: jag tänker inte göra en kampanjfilm helt själv utan jag kan hjälpa till med tex. Redigering. men om ni har hittat på en betydelse av färgerna/färgrörelsen som jag inte håller med om (typ starta världskrig) så tänker jag inte hjälpa till XD

  18. For me that was really hard. I thought I was a trans man so I started to socially transition and in the beginning it felt good but after a around a year I felt that maybe it wasn’t my gender that was wrong but some other stuff that made me wanting to change. Today I use she/they pronounce and for making it easier for the people around me I call myself cis. So my tip is: don’t rush it if you aren’t sure. Play around with name and/or pronounces if you want and if it’s an option. The only person that knows how you feel best is you

  19. I would count myself as a protestant Christian who belong to a pretty progressive church (majority of people in it are LGBTQ+) I usually use the story of the good samaritan. Aka a dude gets beat up and robbed, 2 high up religious people who would be considered ”good” ignores him, but one samaritan who would be concidered the worst of the worst accually help him. The meaning being that we should love eachother no matter who the person is. So my opinion is that it’s not religion or Christianitys fault, but the people inturperating it in a corrupt and hateful way

  20. Hesten har vunnit över 80 gånger nu, vilket i sig är lite sjukt då han är AFK 24/7 XD

  21. Depend on how bad it is. If it’s just a little I’d say you can talk but don’t walk around screaming maybe. If it hurts badly and your voice rasp when you talk then try to keep quiet. I recomend drinking tea with honey in it, it both helps and taste really good.

  22. For me who use she/they I feel confortable with either one of them but I have one tiiiiiny rule when choosing. Choose whichever you want to call me but don’t change it until that conversation is over, cause otherwise it sounds like I’m two different people and then I get confused XD

  23. och jag kom 2!! HUR FAN VANN BETA HÄST SOM STOD STILLA!!!! JAG ÄR ARG hijs

  24. Det har du nog då det är min bild som jag la upp för ett bra tag sän på denna sub. denna person har snott den bara

  25. Yo snygg där! (Kollar ner i högra hörnet och ser MIN EGNA signatur) sno inte andras bilder tack! :)

  26. As a swede I really liked seeing the Myrling in the game. But here are some more that would be fun from swedish/nordic mythology:

  27. I bought mine from efutro, that a polish site. Also considering to buy from this German site called "Stoffhummel". It's really popular with some German makers, because their shaggy fur is the same as the one from big Z fabrics. Their array of tones is bigger

  28. Thank you so much! I will check them out! :D

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