1. DS got a huge buff and UW a huge nuking-- as customary for killer perk "adjustments".

  2. It was kinda OP ngl but now it's kinda just shit, the ptb change seemed fair but maybe should have had a change to the time instead

  3. it's blue and black, the owner was on the Ellen show back when it happened and she went on in the dress

  4. For surviving it's gotta be trouble shooter, the aura reading after dropping a pallet is just so useful, AND the aura of the most progressed gen can be good so you either know to avoid it or can take the killer there if you need a distraction

  5. This is horrible, you're supposed to cut it horizontally so it's even more difficult and stupid

  6. Isn't this one of the S3 episodes?

  7. I'd hope so, season 2 was pretty mid with it being 40% about peggy

  8. Thanos loses the Attack on Titan. The Baby Celestial in Earth’s core emerges, the eternals not ready to stop the emergence. The Earth is destroyed along with half the Avengers and, because Earth is destroyed the sanctums that keep dimensions at bay like the Dark Dimension are destroyed. Dark Dimension beings begin to invade the universe. The rest of the Avengers mostly die (Doctor Strange, Vision and maybe Spider-Man excluded since they may have infinity stones that may protect them somehow). Vision, Strange and whoever remains fight Dormammu’s forces

  9. AK, but mostly because the M16 has a mag of 50 with a 360 reserve, meaning you have one mag with only 10 bullets in it and that bugs the shit out of me

  10. I only play solo if I'm bored of playing killer or no one else wants to play with me, but I wouldn't argue the game is killer sided. Imo the game is what I like to call "dickhead sided" simply because as a killer you're guaranteed a win just by standing directly Infront of a survivor on hook and playing a killer that can easily defend the hook (basically any killer with an easy instadown like bubba or infinite tier 3 Myers)

  11. Fortnite has like 50x more players than L4D2 does. Thats 50x more people who prefer a live service game with battlepass and microtransactions.

  12. Fortnite is populated mostly by little kids who wouldn't know a 5* game if it was placed directly in their grubby hands

  13. Luckily we don't have to worry about if it was released today because it's already been released 15 years ago, however if a remaster were to come out I'd argue this still isn't a Problem due to the vast majority of players being OG L4D players

  14. Legion 😩idk how everyone says they’re so easy to counter cuz for me it feels like hell

  15. The only way to counter them is to outsmart them, which sometimes is easy because a lot of the legion mains are only playing them because they're easy

  16. Clown, I have never had a fun game against clown in all my hours playing and at this point I'd like to just write it off

  17. Neither have I, yet some people seem to worship his balls

  18. He's also got his boyish charm, a weapon I have used many times to convince the killer to let me go as the last living survivor

  19. A question about the upcoming naughty bear trapper legendary skin, is it Evan dressed as naughty bear? Or is it gonna be a 6 foot tall teddy bear? (Please let it be the latter)

  20. When I play Killer, if survs drop their item, unless they were toxic, I'll let them go.

  21. My policy too, but they ain't getting away with it if they tbagged, they get to meet xeno's little mouth

  22. Have to say spitter, getting a pinned survivor to suffer even more damage to ensure the down before they're saved is such a good time waster for the survivors

  23. This is the most batshit crazy comment I’ve ever seen in this subreddit 😭

  24. I actually enjoyed back 4 blood as it's OWN game, I think calling it a Left 4 Dead reboot was a crime because it was so far from the original, but it was still fun and had many interesting ways to experience it

  25. Franklin's. Imo its the most HORRIBLE perk for anyone to use, and I play killer way more than survivor.

  26. I’ve been using dissolution plus darkness revealed on huntress, it’s been a ton of fun. After that it’s either pop or deadlock to slow down gens, and fourth perk is flexible, as of now it’s superior anatomy. I’d prefer to keep the first two, but the others I’m willing to drop for any recommended replacements.

  27. Darkness revealed works incredibly well with the legions perk iron maiden, which is also great for huntress because it lets you reload faster

  28. Legion also had discordance for another good info perk for most killers

  29. I played a solo queue match the other day and this dude was so mad that I was the last one left (the other two had run out of the gates) and I didn't come to rescue him off hook. I was injured and it was a knight camping hook like...

  30. I hate it when people get bitchy because you didn't save them even tho saving them was scientifically impossible

  31. I’m an American and I have no fucking clue what this is. BTS is much more well known tbh

  32. I think it's more of an age thing, NWA predates BTS by like 20 years

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