1. An elegant wording on the card with Oracle rulings to back it up is probably the better solution than being a block of reminder text. "Treated as the same" is something they basically already do with batching, so it's an established game concept that's easy to understand. With that wording, it might even be more passively understood by a casual player than an enfranchised one.

  2. Oracle rulings are typically only reminders or explanations, and don't actually change the rules for a card. It would require the rules themselves to be changed for this wording to work, which is probably possible; Wizards does that kind of stuff from time to time too.

  3. There being any green in China to begin with is shocking to me too.

  4. no more than would happen to me in south africa

  5. erm wibbol played 23? 18 seasons played is correct but it should include 23! in her seasons played!

  6. You barely see them in the Netherlands in my opinion. Just at petrol stations I believe, as i don't drive a car I almost never see them

  7. There are 429 Spars in the Netherlands, and while I imagine a reasonable portion of those are on service stations along the highway and in vacation parks, still quite a reasonable margin... obviously not as many as there are Appies, Lidls or Jumbos though.

  8. Another chart dominated by Scandinavia, Estonia, Ireland - and in this case Portugal. Not sure why some find this map hilarious as it shows a fairly accurate picture.

  9. hey hey hey what about costa rica they didnt haul ass for nothing

  10. What about crinkle panda? Is he alive?

  11. "fix" it? What do you mean? This looks like a wonderful tourist attraction to me...

  12. The curse of municipality reform. Old municipalities get merged into something with no unifying factor and no existing heraldry to draw from.

  13. There's definitely some success stories too, of course; like Beekdaelen or De Ronde Venen - and for what it's worth, it's a shame Het Hogeland doesn't have a pretty flag... since De Marne and Eemsmond, which were fused into it had pretty cool ones. (Bedum and Winsum were uhh... all right too)

  14. "If you can't, exile this permanent". Unless you mean for this just to be a free lunch.

  15. I think "At the beginning of your end step, sacrifice ~ unless you exile a card from your hand" would be a bit more elegant.

  16. Als je de postbode naar je brievenbus ziet lopen, roep dan "De blauwe brieven mag je houden!".

  17. Heb ik als postbezorger eens geprobeerd; kreeg ik toch echt gezeik mee van mijn baas :(

  18. Die zijn in prima staat. Stonden op het punt om aan Draken verkocht te worden, maar die deal is gecancelled.

  19. They similarly replicate it for Zulu and the Oromo migration in Ethiopia.

  20. It exists for the Zulu, but not for Sulu :(

  21. Any of Compound Fracture, Parasite, Cricket's Body

  22. Vanwaar dan dat kansloze programma waar 20 redelijke onbekende BN'ers gaan praten over 'hoe leuk het wel niet was'?

  23. Was toch voor het ongeveer 50 jaar bestaan?

  24. weve been over it many times before i know but its so crazy that hes like a guy that can appear in context and situationalities outside of a 150 by 150 webcam frame

  25. Yup, this is a bug, unlike what the top comment says. From what I've gathered, this happens when a GP exists, loses development, goes below the threshold to be a GP, and then immediately also forms a new nation. This might happen for example, when a nation gains the eligibility to form a new nation while still at war with another party. When they peace out of that war, losing the GP status, they will immediately after take the decision to form the Netherlands.

  26. My mod is really not meant to be played - I use it mostly as a time sink for myself (both through working on it, and staring at the AI playing). It's far from done, and most likely never will be, as I anticipate I'll run into some technical limit before I reach completion.

  27. why does kosovo still exist in GLORIOUS BIG ALBANIA UNIVERSE

  28. i just discovered a new continent will update u guys later

  29. Het punt is dat hij een ervaren, goede bestuurder is die op internationaal niveau beleid erdoorheen krijgt. Dat is een uitstekende ervaring en vaardigheid om te hebben als premier.

  30. En, met allerlei alombekende namen die zich terugtrekken uit de politiek (Rutte, Kaag, Klaver, Hoekstra) is het bovendien helemaal geen slecht idee voor GL/PvdA om een bekend iemand als lijsttrekker te hebben. Hij zou van alle nieuwe lijsttrekkers zonder meer degene zijn die het meeste bekendheid heeft onder de gemiddelde Nederlander

  31. he did play trombone champ for one stream, maybe not super "lesser known" but definitely "strange"

  32. Trinkets too? What trinkets are bad that aren’t worms (I know there are bad trinkets I just hate the worms)

  33. I've basically never gotten the payout from Walnut, Tonsil, Bagged Lunch or Wishbone before.

  34. If Creed gets through this round... he'll be among the last 2... only one more to go.

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