1. They really took down this post for sexism lmao

  2. He said some time ago he wanted to move the stream time back for family reasons, for some reason he is randomly saying daylight savings as the reason rather than just saying it's for family

  3. He wants to keep the mother of 5 meme going.

  4. This title... OP is either a bot or has never been on the internet before.

  5. His spine is the least of his worries.

  6. Warning not to defend yourself? OK USA

  7. I remember their race to 1 million subscribers, I miss those damn times man.

  8. This is a The Last Airbender sub so he could very well not have, and there's nothing wrong with that.

  9. imagine not watching the sequel of one of the best shows ever.

  10. Denk dat ons michelleke sarcastish is.

  11. This kind of content is why people walk up to the Buffalos in Yellowstone: it’s modeling bad behavior around wild animals.

  12. That would be called natural selection.

  13. Fight like a man he says, while crying about not being able to skull trick lmao.

  14. Dogshit human beings like this is what makes every generation of humanity worse and worse.

  15. I don't understand why some put that on the road and i don't understand why some are doing a burnout on it.

  16. The kids okay, but as an adult have some awareness ffs

  17. Either get the fuck up and run or stay down...

  18. Found it. It was in Belgium, so you were pretty close. He's been arrested.

  19. Arrested, released and still continues doing stuff like this today.

  20. You call it construction site, I call it amazon deforestation.

  21. And somehow the russians are fine with this.

  22. The door is open, i wonder why its open and why they are recording.

  23. Ain't no way that's not a reincarnated human.

  24. You should look up the names for the Dutch version, Harry Potter made it so I would never ever watch a movie in my language dubbed or subbed.

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