1. Once I saw "church" I thought "oh yeah, guaranteed you got some ROUGH advice." Same experiences on my end.

  2. Uh, no. Climate change is the threat. That and fascism. Except fascism is easier to undo.

  3. Climate change is actually fairly easy to undo, we just choose not to do it. And we're all complicit on some level. Air conditioning, diet, and transportation are generally your three biggest contributors, and most people do not want to compromise on any of those.

  4. Drugs are really what make us a lost generation. I’ve lost so many friends to opiates I can’t even count them all.

  5. Drug addiction is one of the things that the US is "best" at, along with imprisoning people.

  6. I was thinking Winds of Destination, but yeah, I could probably list at least 10 Angra / Kiko solos that deserve top status.

  7. Very true. That being said his piano playing is a lot more impressive than his guitar. Muse riffs are designed to be played behind the head while sprinting down a stage lol

  8. Yeah but he does it with the Plug in Baby riff, which isn't a super simple riff by any means. Plus his guitar work on songs like Invincible and Survival is pretty masterful.

  9. Lynel's are less difficult to fight in TOTK

  10. I acknowledge my skill issue, but I cannot kill a Lynel in BOTW without the special abilities. Their health bar is INSANE.

  11. If you use Urbosa's Fury and Daruk's Protection it's not too hard. Stay close so that the Lynel can't shoot arrows or charge at you, and use a weapon that does a lot of damage.

  12. Lol, no. I met her on the aeroplane. And she genuinely was a nice girl. It's just that in Brazilian culture it's more normalised for women to make the first step and it's also more normalised to talk to strangers in the first place than it is in my country (germany). Also, as a European dude, you're exotic and interesting in Brazil. I'm neither in germany

  13. As an American I've never had so many people take interest in me as I did in France and Germany. Y'all couldn't have been nicer nor more hospitable. It's the only time in my life that people have bought me free drinks.

  14. In fairness I was in Germany for Oktoberfest, so it was pretty much catered to tourists. But the "regular" German people I met were super nice!

  15. I’ve run into Metallica fans that say everything after master of puppets… they sold out… yada yada

  16. I found myself in that camp for a while. Then I actually listened to the black album and realized how fucking good the songs are.

  17. I’ve heard people talk about Beyoncé like that, it’s fuckin’ weird.

  18. Beyonce stans act like no other music matters. In fairness, that's not unique to Beyonce, she just has a massive fan base.

  19. I heard playing guitar would get me laid. I started playing in 1986. Im still waiting for it to get me laid.

  20. I've played hundreds of shows, and I believe I've been hit on twice. Though my wife has commented that my playing makes me more attractive, so I'll count that as a third!

  21. Euclid and Madison are basically the same. There is better public transit service on Euclid, 25th bus is basically impossible to catch. Some areas on the hill in EC look better than some areas in Lakewood.

  22. This is one of the craziest takes I've seen on anything Cleveland-related.

  23. When they find the people who did it, they will most likely find that they have priors for gun charges and they were let off easy over and over again.

  24. It's the difference between violent and non-violent crimes. Guns are inherently violent objects, and people who do not follow protocol with them have to be treated as potentially violent. There's no room for error.

  25. Yeah it's so much dumber than voting for one of two status quo politicians. Seriously, with the electoral college voting structure, do you actually think that your vote matters in the general election?

  26. Right, so both strategies offer the same result. It's called a "protest vote" for a reason.

  27. Yes. I only tip waitresses/waiters, delivery drivers, my tattoo artist, and my hair lady. Why do I need to tip at a drive thru for a hot coffee? Maybe the person who orders a drink with ten different personalized syrups in their Frappuccino because I know baristas hate that, but I literally just order a menu item and call it good, so I’m not tipping for that.

  28. I tip at fast food places because I know the workers make shit money. But I definitely don't think it should be a social expectation.

  29. If only there was another way for them to get paid by their employer.

  30. I don't disagree, but that doesn't change the workers' bills that month. We can fight for systemic change while also showing empathy for one another.

  31. Thats what I do and then have to remember what I was doing or where I was going when I log back in.

  32. Really last year had so many banger games & the good games that come out are better than ever. It’s true there’s a lot of garbage but overall it’s still a great time to be a video game fan.

  33. As someone who has been playing video games since I got my GameBoy Color in 1998 (and playing Duck Hunt with my dad before that): yes, I can confirm that video games now are pretty incredible. Is there a bunch of pay-to-play bullshit out there? Of course, but you just need to avoid that nonsense.

  34. It’s also a catch 22 though for us with limited time when some quest take forever and just want something quick to take your mind off life.

  35. Sure, but those games exist too. I just bought a Need For Speed remastered game used for like $20. I guess my point is that your options and possibilities are endless now, as compared to games in the late 90's.

  36. Good luck in public schools though. Too many parents dont give a fuck to police their own kids and the kids that do this blatantly don't respect authority.

  37. Yeeeeaaaaah tbh a lot of us didn't pay attention in class pre-smartphone either. I used to draw....anatomically incorrect drawings on all of my worksheets. I'd fall asleep in class pretty often too.

  38. Poor dog and poor owner. This is so sad!

  39. And let's be honest: full responsibility means putting the aggressive dog down. Did that happen in this case? We don't know for sure. If I had to guess....?

  40. Other dog breeds have genetic traits that you can see in their personalities- collies with their loyalty and their love of a family structure, labs with their curiosity and playfulness, goldens with their childlike wonder, Great Pyrenees with their stoicism… pits have the most selfish, self-centered personalities. They want to be pampered and catered to, and their only other trait is their gameness and violence. Even if you removed the gameness and violent tendencies… what personality traits are left? They’re not loyal, or affectionate, or… anything

  41. My Beagle with her propensity to scream at anything and everyone. I swear she's given me more hearing damage than my music career ever has.

  42. so you think spending 40 hours a week trying to write music would pay off eventually?

  43. I do. But I think you'll work twice as hard for half the money, as compared to many other industries. You also would need to find an income source beyond just streaming. I'm talking sync licensing, merch, selling songs to corporations or other musicians, etc.

  44. I witnessed a pitbull sucked under a truck wheel that wasn't going very fast and had hit the brakes. I saw it as though in slow motion and I'll never forget the aftermath. Very similar to what OP described, but well, worse. I won't go into it. But yes definitely died instantly.  Edited to say it was also thrown across the road, in case it sounds like I just wanted to share a gruesome story. It just really did sound sadly similar.

  45. Yeeeaaah it's basically a lesson in physics. A pitbull's hard skull and muscular body can protect it from the blunt trauma of a baseball bat, night stick, and sometimes a bullet, but it's not going to do much against a 2,000 lb object traveling at even 25 mph. F=ma

  46. Reminds of a post in another sub awhile back, where a guy posted about his new poodle mix puppy. It was a straight up pitbull puppy. They guy admitted he paid a 600 dollar adoption "fee" for it. People were telling him to return the puppy and get his money back because the rescue straight up lied to him. He got all defensive saying he'll keep the puppy and deal with any behavior problems it might have later.

  47. I get the feeling that he's not the one who will deal with the behavioral issues...

  48. Can't put it on a leash because it's leash aggressive. Welp fuck it now they're everyone else's problem

  49. I'm so sick of the entitlement. Put the dogs down, put the owner in prison. Next.

  50. It’s so tone deaf and cruel. My cousin will never get two of her fingers back because of a pit attack

  51. An aside: I don't believe behavioral evaluations are at all useful in these cases. They might help if a dog is consistently dangerous (like with the Sue Sternberg vids) but can't help with a dog that is simply unpredictable. Cases should be decided on facts, not educated guesses from "experts" that claim knowledge that is not actually available

  52. Agreed. A dog, of any breed, that bites someone (or another dog) to the point of needing hospitalization and surgery needs to be put down. This is ESPECIALLY true when the incident happens in a public space. How is that not extremely obvious?

  53. To top it off, I saw a loose one RUN INTO MY SON’S SCHOOL THIS MORNING 🤬

  54. That, to me, is a no-brainer self-defense situation. There is NO need to risk children's health and safety over a loose dog.

  55. It looks like that young woman found out No Good Deed Goes Unpunished when it comes to er, certain situations.

  56. This story is a solid example of how both the breed AND (many of) the owners are rotten.

  57. I can only dream of the day pit bulls are banned in my country. Unfortunately it'll be a long time away from now and probably a LOT of victims until 😕 There's an Instagram account about a pibble who moved here recently (like we don't have plenty of those shitty abomination dogs here already) and of course people are cooing all over the dog in the comments.

  58. I've lost hope for the US. Many areas are going in the opposite direction: they are repealing pitbull bans. But I've lost pretty much all hope I have for my country in general.

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