1. Assuming that’s Dom Lucre, he’s the guy that posted a still (or a clip I can’t remember) of a very famous violent video of CSA…and he watermarked it. Then posted it to Twitter. And of course Elon didn’t ban him, just deleted the tweet. There’s an episode of minion death cult where they talk about it. And to be clear, he had no part in producing the CSAM, he just felt the need to tweet it out with his fucking watermark.

  2. A smart and theoretically informed cohost of a podcast I listen to thinks he's on the weird left, but I feel terminally online people are perhaps more inoculated to "messaging" are more up on "reality".

  3. Here's the thing I don't think it's unreasonable to call him "weird left" he's anti-war, claims to be interested in divesting government bodies from corporations, wants to raise minimum wage, will prosecute union-busting, wants to back government sponsored mortgages. The list goes on, if it was anyone else I would be in serious consideration to back him for the role.

  4. anti-vax is also historically "weird left", again we all know what and who he really is.

  5. My team likes to joke that it’s because their team is comprised of 30 year olds who have experience lol

  6. I'm a Biden voter because he's the best option available. I'm not a supporter because he's a politician not a sports team.

  7. Bugs. Insects are a part of many cultures and cuisines around the world but for Americans? Nope. Doesn't matter where you are in this vast country, I guarantee you if a villager from Thailand offered an American from Alaska to Alabama some fried grasshoppers on a stick they'd shit their pants. (But they'll eat a deep fried bacon wrapped Twinkie 🤷🏼‍♂️)

  8. Yeah the revulsion to bugs is a big mainstay in conspiracy theorists communities and I think is in no small part shaded with a bit of racism.

  9. Republicans haven't had a platform besides "Oppose Democrats" for at least the past two decades, if not longer.

  10. People must always remember first and foremost that ethnic cleansing is the long-term objective of Netanyahu's policy and it always has been. Mass starvation in Gaza is not that big of a deal to him.

  11. "The Left" has, it's the center portions who seem more interested in pretending it isn't this way.

  12. The highroad would be great if the low road weren't broken.

  13. People should be tried for the crimes they commit where those crimes were committed.

  14. Honestly I never considered that angle, I just figured they didnt want to move forward with it because of private prisons and prison labor. VA Prison labor makes a lot of stuff. Including the furniture of many of the public colleges.

  15. What does modernization mean in this context? Just curious.

  16. He was pretty smitten with Jonathan and that was just a couple (less than several) seasons ago

  17. As someone who works in schools and is a parent of a preteen who is very much invested in their own social life (yes, in person real-life socializing, not just the usual rhetoric of kids glued to screens with no human interaction), I'm just gonna say this isn't true. There's still all kinds of subcultures. preppy/popular kids, sporty kids, "alt" kids, anime kids, and so on. Media influences the subcultures (just like it always has, think radio, TV, magazines) and defines some of them, too (like it always has). Is there more time spent on screens? Yes. Can it go too far? Yes. For literally everyone. Is the next generation doomed? Absolutely not

  18. Yeah the video creators lack of connection to the prep subculture is a personal one. It is very much real and very much still thriving, wherever you find private schools or country clubs you WILL find preppy kids. They may not wear the exacting trappings of the 80's preps with the popped collars and whatnot but they're 100% still there.

  19. The only thing that I've noticed is how much worse the driving is around here. People blowing through red lights and stop signs, tailgating, generally aggressive driving. But beyond that I feel no more unsafe walking through downtown at night than I ever did (which is to say not at all unsafe).

  20. He's also currently the Secretary of Transportation, which presumably is the department that would be interested in bridges. But Secretary Pete doesn't roll of the tongue very well.

  21. Love it. Winter weather sucks once you’re an adult

  22. Hard disagree, because I have to spend time on the road for work if streets aren't drivable I work the phones.

  23. Majority of those challenges came from one person in Spotsylvania who got a write up in The Washington Post.

  24. She’s a coward. She spewed nothing but bullshit and hate on a prominent local bookstore’s Facebook page and as soon as the school board flipped this past November she deleted everything. Spineless bitch

  25. Careful she'll add this to her folder of screenshots for her impending "defamation and slander" suit

  26. While I think he’s far from tactically inept, a lot of sources have said that his greatest strength is in his man management and motivation skills. Especially after Mourinho’s super rigid system, having a manager who would just let his team of superstars go out and express themselves worked wonders.

  27. Knowing what to say, how, and when to say something to a varied cast of characters is a skill of its own.

  28. They've blown a ton of the popular support they gained after October. I'm not really sure what their endgame is in alienating their closest allies with moves like this.

  29. They're banking on Trump winning and thus having the ability to move forward unchecked.

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