1. Imagine if it was easier for Indian workers to immigrate directly to Europe...

  2. Yeah the kind of scum who would go fight for Russia in Ukraine would be an absolute asset in Europe lol

  3. It was always “freedom for me but not necessarily for thee” for the libertarians. Anyone with the mental age above 14 understood that that is not a sustainable attitude.

  4. They are very, very small considering what the US is spending.

  5. I think they are spending it. It’s just mostly going back to them. I guess that is what you mean.

  6. On the one hand yes, but on the other hand they are literally spending less than the EU:

  7. I think this is spot on. Lots of people are comparing it to banning alcohol, but that comparison doesn't work, since alcohol has a pleasant side effect that people want to feel

  8. Are you a smoker? Because I assure you the "relaxing feeling" is not entirely due to "smoke breaks". I used to smoke and quit and the notion that it is not pleasant to smoke is horseshit. It's not as pleasant as getting stoned or drunk but it's still pleasant. The idea that people only smoke because their peers convinced them it's cool is retarded. That being said I think if tobacco was made illegal people wouldn't seek it since there is so many better things out there.

  9. What is it with Germans and people living in Germany that makes them consider literally any response to a problem except talking to the person first?

  10. I really don't get the logic. If you're having sex with a man to hurt and humiliate him then it's not gay anymore? It's the consent that makes you gay?

  11. You're actually not that far off. It's like that scene from sopranos where sucking dick is gay but getting dick sucked by a guy is fine. It's like that in a lot of staunchly anti-gay cultures where it's only gay if you're the bottom.

  12. My point is that while it's true that Americans on average have an higher income, much of that income is wasted on owning a personal vehicle since for so many is not a choice but a basic necessity. Owning a car is not cheap and having to own one because you have no other option is a major societal failure.

  13. Yeah because Europeans own very few cars lol, wait whats this

  14. I really should start defrauding pensioners or something at least, watch that pussy roll in.

  15. Where is the evolution theory? Seems the same as the gecko we know now

  16. How is a small fee going to stop troll farms (who can afford to pay sallaries to hundreds of people) or bots?

  17. I don't think Jenna Ortega is to blame that you are 21 and look 40

  18. You leave after 2 beer? No, you don’t. And if you don’t order more, you’re asked to leave.

  19. You don’t get asked to leave if you don’t order beer. If you got asked to leave it’s for other reasons. How would the waitresses even track who hasn’t ordered in a while given that people generally order as a group

  20. So you hang out with people who get shit faced? But don’t drink with them?

  21. I live in Munich and go every year so I think I'd know how people here act during it

  22. Why would you ask students instead of people who have been students and enough time has passed for them to evaluate the impacts of the teaching?

  23. That's kind of an absurd hypothetical. Even the staunchest alcoholic might take up that offer. Would you do it for like $10 a day is more interesting.

  24. It's opt+scroll to zoom horizontally and opt+vertical scroll (?? at least I have that on my mouse as a separate wheel) to zoom vertically.

  25. China is as communist as the US at this point in history (before someone replies to this claim, it's hyperbole), calling China a communist country is an anachronism

  26. China is significantly more capitalist and provides far less of a social safety net than US. All of the "big government" things in China are meant to keep the population in check not to benefit them.

  27. I also switched DAW many times, until I found Reaper.

  28. Why you hatin' on it so much. I'm no fanboy, use what tool suits you best. Just giving my experience.

  29. How do you get hating from nothing special - it's a daw like any other, it does some things well and some things poorly

  30. Those cable locaters aren't really that good. Its still a guessing game. In my apartment it beeped on basically every part of my wall

  31. you sort of have to use your brain along with the locator and probe multiple areas to assess where the cables go through

  32. Better stock plugins, integration with max/msp, better workflow for certain tasks.

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