1. He survived an assassination attempt via bomb in table and I’m pretty sure that arm was badly damaged.

  2. There are movies that won Best Picture at the Oscars that get shit on because they beat a specific movie. Dances with Wolves is still a really good movie, so is How Green Was My Valley, Driving Miss Daisy, Chicago, Shakespeare in Love, and yes even Crash. There’s other examples sure but it’s a rather annoying thing to see in discourse.

  3. What’s shocking is despite a poo poo start we’re still not terribly behind 1st place.

  4. Yes and no. Too early still for the gaps to widen between teams but yes too many losses all around.

  5. Please tell me you mean like liberally applied and not VoTeS fOr BaD mAn InStEaD oF mY gUy WhO aM tHe GoOd?

  6. The opposite: phase 1 is aggressive but can be managed but phase 2 includes large AoE attacks plus combos where he flies around the arena and you can’t do squat.

  7. I've honestly debated teaching myself how to record new movies onto VHS just so I can have a complete collection of specific directors, Martin Scorsese being one, David Cronenberg another and specific films like Star Wars episode 3. Keep your eyes peeled in the future for The Departed through KOTFM on VHS 📼 😎

  8. That would be interesting to see. Maybe someone on Etsy can make convincing sleeves with minimal edge damage to look aged and legit.

  9. Damn you now I need a compilation of great line deliveries mixed with bad ones that are still iconic

  10. You’ve won the internet today, you bow to no one

  11. https://giphy.com/gifs/FIf0CK6dGfv94L5tOR

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