1. Real talk: something wicked does not have eyes. I don't know how they "see" things but I've got doubts that 096 would even get aggro'd.

  2. Yeah. It's a good and a bad thing sometimes. Are the downside, on death effects given by items don't work. On the upside, on death effects from enemies also don't work.

  3. I got a golden chest and it dropped the tick right in front of the shop door so I couldn't get in unless I picked it up.

  4. You could have just used a bomb to push the tick trinket away.

  5. If you wrote with a person that was turned into a pen via TF, what would happen to the writing when the TF wore off?

  6. What if you get put in a form that doesn't have a mouth?

  7. The nodes traveling down those conduits really gives me OG "creeper world" vibes.

  8. Not my.most hated but with slow shot speed I abhor this boss too. Hopefully someone drops in with useful tips besides piercing or knock back. Some strategy that works with most builds would be dope.

  9. One tip that I actually have is that you can hit the side of the mask also. It's not just the back. They are invulnerable only in the front.

  10. That flux rift is looking a lot more ... rectangular than usual.

  11. Guillotine is definitely annoying, but for me, Jupiter is one of the only items I will literally never take in a run. It's obnoxious incarnate. Oh boy, I love farting every single step I make for the rest of the run. Also, it's the only item in the game that fucks with your speed stat in real time besides Taurus, and it completely screws up muscle memory trying to dodge bullets. People argue that it's a speed up, but that's only when you stand still. How often in Isaac are you stationary? Almost never.

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