1. I got got lucky in two servers but then it got impossible to play

  2. Okay i get what you were going for and its really working. The Nowhere king is a character that gives a unsettling and creepy vibe, the song your using doesn’t really fit it in a way. Im not hating on it the song is okay it just doesn’t fit the nowhere king.

  3. its looks nice but it kinda looks like another strongest battle grounds clone

  4. i was scrolling through reddit and got jumpscared by a bald markiplier

  5. yeah uhh looking at their profile i dont think they be 9 yrs old

  6. Just because I say I don't like gay porn doesn't mean I can't enjoy it every once in a while

  7. it would probably be “Hitman’s wife’s bodyguard”

  8. omg shy does this remind me of meat canyon’s version of mark

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