1. It’s not exactly what you’re talking about, but most people in Hawaiʻi are not primarily of European descent but English is the dominant language for colonial reasons. (It is not the case that the majority are any particular ethnic background, but white people are, compared to nonwhite people, technically the minority especially excluding military bases.

  2. Well if you’re going by race and not the actual native language of individuals, why not take it further? Most Americans are white, sure, but most Americans aren’t primarily of English descent. As in, them or their ancestors originating from England. The English language is “foreign” to both a Hawaiian and a German. But really, it’s foreign to a person if they don’t speak it natively, regardless of what their ethnic makeup happens to be.

  3. How do they function in the country if they don't speak the local language? How do they go to the doctor, or attend university?

  4. They just said that the Portuguese there learn a local language.

  5. Most of that population is concentrated on a relatively small bit of the western coast. There's probably one or a few small prisons in those small cities

  6. Coast? The Northwest Territories do have a coast, but I have a feeling that up there by the Arctic Ocean is not where the population is concentrated…

  7. Well “45,000 people in 1.4 million square km” doesn’t make sense for Greenland, and you didn’t say anything about Greenland, so that’s a bit odd.

  8. It’s much more prevalent in Indian English, so uh…I’m guessing that’s where the association came from.

  9. The town I live in has almost the same amount of people in the UK... holy shit, that's a small city.

  10. Uh…what? That doesn’t sound like a “town”, and even Tokyo, the largest city on earth, still has quite a bit fewer people than the UK. What is this colossal secret place you live in that’s somehow considered a town?

  11. Neither is carrying. Statistically, it puts you at higher risk.

  12. But it makes people feel safer! Isn’t that good enough? 😩

  13. They’re the second in line, and the VP is first in line, because the actual President isn’t “in line” at all. They’re already in the position. At an amusement park, you wouldn’t say that someone who’s currently on the rollercoaster is “in line” for it.

  14. Holy shit the pathetic lengths Reddit will go to in order to find an opportunity to try to sound intelligent..

  15. Am I wrong? You don’t need to lash out with personal attacks just because someone pointed out you were wrong on something. It’s a small thing, not an assault on your entire being, friend.

  16. Out of all the things you could have called someone who gets annoyed when other people repeatedly park in dumb places, “self loathing” sure is an interesting choice.

  17. I’m not hostile!!!! Who you calling hostile!!! Somebody downvote this guy!!!

  18. Have you ever considered the "peace and economic development" of the Palestinians??

  19. It’s the job of the Palestinians to be concerned with that. I don’t expect them to care a great deal about my peace and economic development, nor should they.

  20. You should ask yourself: who's in a better position to care about who? The Palestinians who have no right to self determination, or the global economy controlling Saudis.

  21. Being in a better position doesn’t make you responsible for those in a worse one. It’s nice if you help them, but the job of a country is to benefit the lives of people inside its borders, not the people outside of them.

  22. It's recognized as a language in Brazil too - not official yet though. Defining a language as phonology is silly. Language is a mean of communication with a set of rules and capable of transferring abstract thought. That's all, and I'm open to widening this definition too.

  23. Except they were responding to a comment talking about NZSL and they phrased it as “it’s recognized as a language in Brazil too”, so someone reading that who doesn’t know anything about sign languages would absolutely think they’re talking about the same language, and for good reason. The context is not going to help anything for most people who don’t know a lot about languages. I know they were talking about LIBRAS, yes, but my point is that it’s not great to think about “sign language” as one thing or use phraseology that treats it as one thing like some people in here are doing.

  24. wait, so Kyoto is still standing bc some guy w a say in the nukes had a good trip there

  25. I mean, Hiroshima and Nagasaki are “standing” as major cities to this day, so it’d be weird if that weren’t true for Kyoto too. But a lot of important historical artifacts would probably be destroyed and such a bombing would obviously leave quite the mark on the city.

  26. “Y'all self conches about titty veins? Lol I’ll suck a blood clot out that MF like I’m Los Feratu”

  27. yeah its from a tumblr post. not sure how everyone missed the quotation marks!

  28. Bengali also gets under-represented. It's top 10 world wide.

  29. Not to one-up your one-up, but Javanese is the king of being underrepresented despite being huge. At least 70 million native speakers (reported numbers vary a lot, maybe even up to around 100 million native speakers) but it’s an official language (alongside Bahasa Indonesia) of only one place, the Special Region of Yogyakarta, which is basically just a single city in Indonesia. NOTHING gets translated into Javanese…it doesn’t even have any daily newspapers. None.

  30. Only because it ends before he receives a nice cash settlement from the department for violating his legal rights. I’d take that “stupid prize” any day.

  31. Because that bear has lazy and incompetent legal representation. Camera guy gets a $2.5k settlement because it is cheaper to settle than it is to go to court and the bear gets to look like a fool for doing his job

  32. His job is not to call things he doesn’t like “obstruction”, the guy wasn’t impeding his actual duties in any way.

  33. That isn’t their title though… they’re the superbowl champion. You’re arguing against a strawman here.

  34. Yeah I think the “World Series” of baseball makes more sense to criticize. There actually are several other countries where baseball is very popular, but their teams don’t get to compete in the supposed World Series.

  35. This is just a map of how liked a country is by reddit

  36. Are the green countries green because they’re liked by Reddit? Or maybe the whole reason that they’re liked by Reddit is because they’re green, i.e. open with their civil liberties?

  37. No no there's is another Factor in the matter. Depends who you ask and how much trade they make with Algeria. Because western Sahara has sacrce population. And the issue is nothing but out of algeria greed to controle it .

  38. Yeah okay. The people of Western Sahara have no agency of their own. Sure. Way to minimize the right to self-determination by scapegoating another country and making it look like you’re the victims here.

  39. Donald Jr. turned out “okay”? Also, a general anecdote about a couple of people is not going to do anything to disprove actual data, ever.

  40. Ah, the poll says so much about some of our men's mentality. Truly a "this problem doesn't affect me in particular so it doesn't exist and doesn't worth discussing" mindset.

  41. Same energy as “We asked a thousand (conservative) white Americans whether racism is still a problem in America, and wouldn’t you know it, most of them said no! I guess it isn’t, then!”

  42. Cantonese has 6 phonemic tones, all level or rising. In order (with numbers representing tone height), 1 /55/, 2 /35/, 3 /33/, 4 /11/, 5 /13/, 6 /22/. There are also 3 nonphonemic tones, which are distinguished in traditional Chinese linguistics: /5/, /3/, and /2/, which come with stop codas and are phonetically shorter.

  43. What do you mean when you say the last three are “nonphonemic”? I’m pretty familiar with Mandarin, but not Cantonese, although I have heard of these three “extra” tones that are only on checked syllables (which Mandarin of course does not have). But there are still minimal pairs of checked syllables that are identical in every way except for which of those three tones they carry, right? So wouldn’t they still be phonemic?

  44. No, they did it so three or four city states wouldn't rule the whole continent leading to multiple civil wars and bloody conflicts between neighbors every century like they saw happen in Europe for a thousand years.

  45. “There or four city states” don’t have nearly enough people to decide things for everyone on their own based on a popular vote. The top hundred cities by population don’t even have close to a majority of the population.

  46. NY and CA do not care about the states in between them so long as the railways, Wallstreet, and Sillicon Valley are functioning. Everything else is details to them.

  47. Good thing NY and CA combined still don’t have nearly enough people to decide things for the whole country on their own if the Senate didn’t exist. I’m sure you do appreciate having a much more powerful vote than your fellow countrymen who just happen to live in bigger states. Everyone appreciates systems that put them on top. Doesn’t make it right.

  48. I actually liked Saudis the more I interacted with them and found you guys to be sweet and kind hearted.

  49. Wahhabism is apparently not even a real thing if you go by the majority opinion here. Just because it’s not referring to the ideology by the preferred term, “Salafism”, that’s enough to make it “not a real thing”, I guess.

  50. Yes. There was an incentive because of a policy called “seguridad democrática” (democratic security) in which soldiers were assessed by how many “positives” (killed rebels) they had. So of course it was the recipe for a bloodbath. They were pressured to have a lot of “positives” (as they called them) so that’s why a lot of them did that.

  51. This is so incredibly horrible. Are the soldiers who lured these men to their deaths just complete sociopaths? Because in other acts of evil like political persecution or terrorism, at least there’s actually an ideology there that can be pointed to as the “justification” for it, even if it’s no comfort to the victims and their families. But just slaughtering random innocents, yet in such a deliberate way, to meet a quota? How fucked up do you have to be? I’m rarely an advocate for revenge-based punishment, but reading about this made my blood boil. The ones who permanently destroyed families in order to “pump up their numbers” need to suffer.

  52. As someone that used to work in a kitchen the whole "gluten free" fad diet was incredibly frustrating. I know that the actual allergy is very rare and the number of people asking for gluten free was a bit absurd at times. I know there were times where I wanted just say "screw it" and skip all the extra steps we had to take to ensure there was no gluten because I knew that most of the people didn't have a real allergy. And then people like your dad get screwed.

  53. As someone with celiac disease and whose sister has celiac disease, “very rare” is not how I would characterize it, although obviously an imprecise term like that could be applied to a wide range of things. Total colorblindness is very rare. Being born with no legs is very rare. Celiac disease is…relatively common. Certainly more common than you think. Roughly 1% of Americans have it. If one hundred randomly selected individuals come into your restaurant every day, one of them can be expected to have celiac disease. If your restaurant is a busy one, obviously you can expect for there to be more. Not exactly a needle-in-a-haystack situation, even if the number of people requesting gluten-free options as a fad is unfortunately higher than the number of people requesting them for a legitimate reason.

  54. Fair enough, "very rare" isn't a precise term, obviously. But still, 1% or less ain't exactly common, is it? Regardless, I did what I was supposed to but it was just frustrating that people were trading on people's legitimate illness for some pointless "diet".

  55. It’s comparable to the percentage of people on earth with red hair, but I don’t find it particularly notable every time I meet a redhead. Just difference of perspective I guess. And the important thing is indeed that you didn’t give in to your desire to say “fuck it” and just start glutening-up all the dishes of the people who made those special requests, haha.

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