1. drawing more won’t make them learn anything.

  2. All lives matter bruh, you’re a retardddd for saying otherwise unless it’s the more factual ‘no lives matter’ 

  3. Both sides suck, but let's start trying to understand how Israel came to the position it is today. They have been attacked how many times? They have been accused of attempting genocide, but there are more Palestinians in the region than there have ever been and Arab Israelis do exist, meanwhile around 820k Jews had to flee Arab countries cus of the hatred. Jfc they were attacked less than 1 year into their existence. Not saying they are free of responsibility in their apartheid like actions, but I understand their need to secure their existance.

  4. "how could there be ethnic cleansing, their population is going up" is nazi rhetoric, just so you're aware.

  5. That sucks or good for you I ain't reading all that

  6. He’s a democrat. Arguably amongst the most powerful ones.

  7. democrats can be conservative. in América, most are

  8. Why would we feel anything? What do you think I should be feeling?

  9. Why is that a problem? Not every build can boss

  10. I don't mean to be rude, but no shit? No one's saying otherwise lol

  11. When someone says "people", they usually means "the general public" or "the average person". It's not the case here

  12. Ok but context is also important. You think he's implying that your average person even knows about reddit, much less cares about discussion posts on an anime forum? use your brain buddy

  13. That’s my fear as well if this guy isn’t caught by the end of the day. If people realize that all they have to do is shoot quickly, get in their car, and drive away, that’s going to up a whole new level of problem. Sounds so simple, but it seems like most other mass shooters didn’t think about what they’d do after the killing. Just shot themselves or hung around. Even if the guy is captured but it takes a few days or weeks, there’s going to be some people who think they could do it better and fully escape, and they’ll try.

  14. I do love taking a global trend and blaming it on hyper local policies

  15. I missed your point because I thought you were making another one!

  16. what in the world are you talking about

  17. You're splitting hairs and missing my point

  18. It's obvious why, bevause without that context (that's unconfirmed), it could be either. You can't faithfully translate that name into English, both translations are technically correct.

  19. There IS a law. The restaurants are just trying to get an ex post facto exemption and I fear that Bonta may give it to them.

  20. Just raise the price of your menu instead of adding stupid fees.

  21. I agree, but this is why there should be a law

  22. I never said otherwise, I still think it looks off

  23. I can somewhat understand, but just envisioning it now makes me feel as though additional detail would only crowd the face. As of now, it feels like a still from an animation, which I think works it it's favour. I personally wouldn't bother adding such details frame by frame, because it ends up complicating the process and ultimately looking worse.

  24. It's not a frame of animation though, it's a portrait. You can get away with lines missing when there is movement to bridge aspects

  25. I mean she's a pretty important historical politician.

  26. Pretty important to day traders like myself yes, she definitely plays a pivotal role in understanding insider trading movements because I too am worth 9 figures on a 6 figure salary somehow 💀

  27. Right, and if the weightings make the keys less valuable then they will go down in price. They'll also be more common, but less valuable on a per-key basis.

  28. Why would the weighting make the keys less valuable? That's not how weighting works

  29. It takes some interpretation, but The Road has a happy ending. A lot of the bleakness is because it's through the dad's hopeless perspective. This is reflected in the sparce dialogue

  30. It's fine..chill out. The drawing isn't the issue, your mental state is

  31. "game is not a 0 imo" is a very funny line. Ofc it isn't. These people aren't serious. This is why metacritic is a useless metric

  32. I'm sure there have been times when the Hearthstone and Magic the Gathering designers were "happy with the state of the meta". Those games don't stay evergreen by resting on their laurels and achieving perfect balance like Counter Strike. They stay relevant by constantly shifting the state of the game in MASSIVE ways ever few months to bring player interest back.

  33. I mean balance changes aren't the only way to shake stuff up. Adding content can go a long way, as this patch us doing

  34. Chris said in an interview about this league that there would be a lot of balance changes, and here we are with close to no changes at all.

  35. My one paragraph summary is missing lots of things. Great input

  36. Do you think kissing GGG ass will get you something? We haven't had a serious Mets shakeup in years, and for years they have used poe 2 as the excuse saying that meta shake up was coming with it, but now we find it's a whole different game and they lied to us for several years. So no it isn't a good thing, it's lazy and shit

  37. 3.21 was incredibly diverse. What are you even complaining about

  38. Probably all of it? What do you mean?

  39. naw spending 4 months developing a league and having the core game basically look untouched from last is pretty pathetic for a studio as big as GGG.

  40. If the core game is good, why is that pathetic?

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