1. A constant, never ending loop of various phrases or noises. One of my things is that I'll sometimes replay a sentence in my head over and over again (like "the grass looks really green today" the grass looks really green today the grass looks really green today the grass looks really green today the grass looks really green today), or small parts of songs or music that get stuck on loop in my head.

  2. Heyyy I'm a housekeeper with OCD, although that's probably only because my OCD has nothing to do with cleaning or organization.

  3. Sometimes he just grabs me and licks my face. He knows I hate spit but also that I want to try to get over this aversion to it, so he started just randomly licking my face.

  4. I regularly daydream about murdering one specific person. I go to therapy twice a month and have been doing that for 5 years and even my therapist has no idea i have these thoughts. They're just thoughts I don't plan to act on.

  5. While it's not the same, I sometimes daydream about getting into fights that would justify me killing the person I imagine fighting. I don't imagine anyone in particular and I don't want to hurt anyone, it just helps me whenever I'm angry? Which isn't often BTW. Seems like a relatively safe way to process emotion as long as you retain the fact that it is strictly imaginary and never intend to act on it.

  6. That statement is a little hypocritical, perhaps a better way to have said it was "I have a bad habit of believing people won't lie about others hurting them for their own gain". I've seen physical violence and I of course knew it was out there, but the idea of making up stories to gain sympathy from people is something I just genuinely can't wrap my head around. You see things like that on the internet or in the news, but it sounds so ridiculous that I never really believed anyone would do it. Because just like....why??? Especially when it's possible for people to find out you are lying??

  7. Are you on the spectrum? I ask as someone who is, and has a tendency to be too trusting. This is apparently fairly common for folks who are autistic. I’m careful to ask all kinds of skeptical questions (in my head) now. It’s really hard though. I’m still blown away by the things people do. I don’t understand being deliberately mean or conniving. It’s outside my ken.

  8. I have never been tested but I've suspected it for a while. I do have ADHD and a few other issues, but never tested for any form of autism. If it wasn't expensive I would look into it

  9. Around orgasm 3 ?? Excuse me but you just put my entire sex life to shame, how is that even possible ?

  10. This is gonna sound outlandish and will probably land me on

  11. What okay why am I discovering now that straight couples have such an insane sex life😭 this sounds like an endurance workout almost

  12. It definitely is. We took a bunch of breaks in between, probably about 4 rounds in total. It should be noted though that we normally just do 1 round, but I guess we were just extra horny that day lol

  13. Working at a gas station, a customer came in late one night and told me and the other cashier (both women) that he thought we were pretty and joked about kidnapping the both of us. Another time, a different old man came in and said "if you didn't have a boyfriend, I would have to kidnap you".

  14. In retrospect I had symptoms from a young age, maybe around 6 but it wasn't too severe. However it really worsened in my late teens and I was diagnosed at 21.

  15. Looking at the night sky helps me. Less because of the beauty and more because of the fact that it reminds me how small and insignificant I am. That might be discouraging to some, but for me it's insanely relieving. When the world feels like it's crumbling around me, to look up and see either the constellation Orion or Jupiter or Venus in the sky reminds me that it would take a hell of a lot more than my personal issues to bring down such a magnificent universe. Everything will stay as it is, a slow and silent drift through the aether. And if everything stays the same, despite the personal turmoil I may feel down here on earth, I know I'll be able to be okay because I will be able to return to this place no matter what is happening.

  16. I doubt she was serious, just kids being overdramatic. They might think that Norm is boring or something

  17. Might also be sorta an uncle figure in their lives?

  18. I agree with the kids thing and I used to agree with the partner issue as well. However in my experience, having a partner has only enriched my life and not once been a detriment. Maybe this is because we actually enjoy each other's company and go out of our way to make the others life easier/more enjoyable, but who knows. When you have a partner that actually gives a shit about you, they don't make your life harder.

  19. Weird question but is this in WV? This looks identical to the setup of my local DG

  20. It's a pretty strong sentiment among more right-leaning Americans. I know people who get actively angry if you try to insinuate otherwise.

  21. "Pitbulls make up X percent of the dogs but Y percent of the dog attacks" has become such a common talking point among Twitter racists that whenever I find someone advocating breed-specific legislation, I automatically assume they're racist.

  22. No offense but I feel like it's kinda ignorant to compare actual biological issues with pitbulls to the experiences of living, breathing human beings. Humans with no genetic behavioral difference to any other human being. As opposed to certain dog breeds, which DO genetically tend to inherit behavioral patterns.

  23. I’d have to dig up the study but last I checked there wasn’t much analytical evidence to conclude the breed is actually more aggressive than others. I do have to concede though that pitties, staffies, etc do possess the jaw and muscle structure to do more damage should they bite. But it’s a breed demographic that seem more likely to fall into neglectful owners which can cause the attack data to skew

  24. I agree that owners have an influence, but I also think I saw a study that found that Pits were more inclined to be aggressive? Even without neglectful or abusive treatment? If I can find my sources I'll edit this comment and leave them as well, but I'm also interested to see any other studies on these dogs whether they confirm my statements or not. Any true and verifiable info is good info

  25. I mean as long as they don't use their belief to justify treating others badly, then I wouldn't care. I don't know the answers, so who am I to say what's true and what isn't? I'm not an ex-christian because I think I know everything, I'm an ex-christian because I realize that I don't know shit and I CANT know shit. If belief brings someone else comfort, then more power to them.

  26. No one has asked you out because you are one of those few people who's looks make them intimidating. Not because you look mean or scary or freakishly strong, but because most people probably assume you would reject them based off looks alone. You're a very good looking person and that can be a little daunting for some people, a lot of people won't shoot their shot with people they view to be "out of their league".

  27. I almost passed out from the pain and had actual nightmares about it. Idk if medical procedures can give you some mild form of PTSD, but if they can then I think that did it for me.

  28. You need to ditch this loser and find a good man. I never thought I would until I met my boyfriend, and he has gone above and beyond to make sure that any of my doubts or insecurities or other issues during PMDD are fully taken care of. It's not hard for a guy to tell you he loves you, if he ACTUALLY does.

  29. I think it is wiser to try lifestyle changes first and pills second rather than jumping straight to pills.

  30. When I was at my worst, people told me to look to God and Jesus and all that and it only made things so, so much worse. Eventually ended up hospitalized and found out that I had OCD and one of my obsessions was religion/existence/reality and all that. It got so bad that I was starting to question whether or not I was the antichrist because I obsessed over the idea of sin and the identity of God and was trying to see if there was some sort of secret cipher in the Bible that would give me the "truth".

  31. Exercise is great for you and releases endorphins, proper sleep is also very important for mental health. And too much processed junk food is absolutely terrible for you health.

  32. I agree but sometimes lifestyle changes aren't enough. Depression can be caused by external factors, sure, but sometimes it's caused by internal issues such as severe chemical imbalances.

  33. I'm ugly af but I've been with my boyfriend for almost 7 months now.

  34. I lost my grandmother almost six years ago and my grandfather about 2 years ago. Just two nights ago I had dreams about them and their deaths.

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