1. Not it but I’m definitely going to watch this so thank you for sharing.

  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/commontopics

  3. Generally not, inquiries show up instantaneously

  4. https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/commontopics

  5. If you answer the phone, you may be able to get to the bottom of it

  6. I call they hang up. They then send me to voicemail. Everyday man

  7. Indeed it does, thank you. I guess I'm worried about taxes.

  8. There's no taxes on gifts unless you've given away millions of dollars in your lifetime

  9. But you will owe income taxes on anything you pull out of the IRA. It’s likely you will have to deplete the IRA within 10 years anyway though.

  10. Yeah but that happens regardless if the IRA were distributed to the estate

  11. How large of a loan? It certainly makes sense if you can get into the work force faster

  12. Maybe 6-7k judging from tuition at my school and that’s if I use 0 of my savings. I would need my savings to cover some of my expenses (healthcare and anything health related, phone bill, some food expenses to help my family out) so I can’t use all of it for tuition. If I did have to use my savings, I could probably cover one semester and have the loan just be 3-4k. My tuition includes textbooks in it.

  13. You asked the wrong person. The company can only transfer funds to HE but you can transfer those assets out. You’ll just need to do it periodically. Don't transfer 100% of the assets so the account isn't inadvertently closed. That can be annoying

  14. Roll the 403b into her current 401k or into her TSP. You should never roll out of the TSP, doubly so since you're doing backdoor roth, since it accepts rollovers from anything. Its probably the best place to aggregate old retirement accounts

  15. Could you explain a bit? I know next to nothing about TSP. As for the 403b, I guess it just makes more sense to roll it over into whichever account I prefer based on the investment options right? Is a TSP invested? My wife totally forgot about her TSP account and just showed it to me today so idk anything about it and that money has been sitting there for about 4 years now lol

  16. https://www.reddit.com//r/personalfinance/wiki/commontopics

  17. Yes, you're right. I just need to bite bullet and make these purchases. Most of them fall under the socks analogy you gave. Honestly that analogy was great thanks!

  18. The best way to guarantee you actually lose $50K is to sell immediately and put everything in fixed income. Even better, double-down by waiting until the market is up 25% to buy back in.

  19. I had a list of failed market timing posts that I’ve since lost and it makes me sad

  20. If you pay the collector before it shows up on a credit report, does it still show up along with a paid note?

  21. Thanks! Had a bill go to collections pretty quickly like OP and coincidentally found their post... Didn't want future issues over $1k.

  22. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/select/medical-debt-credit-report/

  23. Its not unreasonable for a bank to do this, since the home is a 'work in progress'.

  24. OK - But then my next question is, will all banks / lenders have the same reaction? Is there a different loan mechanism you would recommend looking at?

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