1. id make it so that you can watch replays no matter how many trophies you have

  2. pretty much the same thing as 5* eggs but with some specific pokemons (ultra beasts)

  3. istg you gotta fr live in the best country ever by how those photos look

  4. Audino does not need to be that fucking hard to catch

  5. My friend is obsessed with these videos and I have no idea why

  6. real. did you know she can get the notes spinning around her by hitting stuff like power cube boxes in solo showdown?

  7. Technically it's her attack and she would be unplayable without this ability and would suck against nita harder than mortis. But yeah, that is kinda broken.

  8. what about pawlette? also a brawl pass skin that turned out terribly (imo)

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