1. Polygon has strategically placed itself in many partnerships, become a dominant project in the crypto space, and above all has focused on utility and building for the future. While you have most projects claiming to be the next “shiny” thing in this crypto space, polygon has built and made an image for themselves. I would not be suprised if polygon becomes a top 3-4 project in the next bull-run because of the teams efforts to continuously create new innovations in this ever changing space.

  2. I've never used Kraken before they listed MOONS but that is what attracted me to them. I've had a pleasant experience with them so far and likely will forever. They have replaced Kucoin as my favorite exchange. Also, there's potential for over a million or two new customers just on this Reddit to gain by listing Donuts. That's worth far more than any amount of revenue Donuts would provide.

  3. Its also more appealing to people who want the exchange to sort out all of the difficulties in buying new tokens. Easy onboarding for kraken and customers happy to buy donuts, seems like a win win.

  4. I didnt think it could gain this much traction, but here i am with a nice little bag of donuts now and feeling very optimistic!

  5. There will be two networks complementing each other in the Polygon ecosystem:

  6. Currently holding a nice bag of MATIC and see the amount of partnerships and utility they’re putting into this project. Everything you mentioned above is their way of pivoting and adapting to this ever changing environment and to me that is bullish in itself. Polygon and Etherium are side by side and this is also ultimately bullish.

  7. I have accumulated and DCA’d majorly with all the news and partnerships. Id like to say last bullrun we saw $2.90 ath for MATIC, dont see why it couldn’t double or triple that come the next bull run.

  8. There was no decision on a new token or even the idea of one being introduced, matic will stay and turn into a similar situation as ETH 2.0. Where MATIC just turns into MATIC 2.0.

  9. It talks about the matic token evolution in the announcement. The matic token will be used for everything under the umbrella of polygon.

  10. In his entire series of tweets, Sandeep has nowhere mentioned $Matic even once.

  11. I would hope so, making matic an even more appealing investment choice. Polygon is doing big things behind the scenes and why wouldnt they have MATIC spearhead some of those breakthroughs for future investors. A MATIC redesign to give it more utilities would be the cherry on top for polygon!

  12. Thank you for posting something meaningful and useful to this sub! Have a solid bag of matic right now and feeling great about it. The macro environment is whats killing any type of uptrend in this market. Be patient and we’ll reap the rewards of being here early and letting polygon focus on utility with the team and its partners!

  13. Great piece, i bought a case of the collectors edition and have no plan to sell them or crack them anytime soon. Best product wizards has released in a very long time.

  14. So much utility in this token and it directly helps etherium with scaling issues. Plus polygon is acquiring so many different projects and is leading in the crypto space for security and zkEVM. I think the macro environment for the world is a little on edge considering the multiple bank runs and financial sectors are warry of that. Hold tight and DCA with your tokens so that when the tide does change you will see the difference it made!

  15. We all know what happens to those who advertise themselves as an ETH killer.

  16. Nowhere does he say that polygon will overtake etherium and be an “eth killer”, polygon and etherium are working together to provide cheaper transaction fees and stability for the crypto world.

  17. Nowhere does he say that polygon will overtake etherium and be an “eth killer”, polygon and etherium are working together to provide cheaper transaction fees and stability for the crypto world.

  18. That comment section really thinks we’re bots. Just because we go to other sub reddits dosent make us bots😂

  19. Awesome, not your typical blue check which you can just pay for. But things coming this year and into next!

  20. With time this will rise with the rest of the market, give it time while we accumulate and build utilities. This will make us much more appealing to investors when the bull market comes and the next $DOGE or $SHIB is $RBIF!

  21. Great news!! If anyone is having problems connecting their wallet or seeing the red icon pop up on the top saying “you have to be a holder of RBIF” then just reconnect and try again. It worked for me and now works great!

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