1. ppl are shitting on doublelift, not his tier list, because of the way HE shit on caedrel's tier list / opinions speaking as if he is the authority on the matter while watching 1% of the games the teams played.

  2. Are people so soft now that saying is on drugs or paid by the CCP an attack ? it's clearly banter. Redditors have the social awareness of a 3 years old I swear

  3. This DL guy comes in with 0 games watched, no clue what's going on, criticizes Caedrel's list even though Caedrel watches infinitely more league than him, accuses him of trying to gain favor with the CCP (lmao???) and STILL gets defended in this thread.

  4. Because none of what he said is a big deal, he had a bad opinion sure, who cares ? He didn't "insult" caedrel he just made some jokes

  5. It isn't too bad, but look at how many games Rogue and KC had. There are definitely problems

  6. that was the whole point of the format change, less game of the shitters and more of the good teams

  7. "We need to play more games so we can catch up to how many korea and china play!"

  8. They do hundreds of scrim games, few stage games are meaningless for improvement comparatively. They don't need stage games to keep working

  9. Have you actually tried Blizzards Cata beta? It’s a fucking mess dude. Nothing works properly. They JUST got Block working correctly. Block. Let that sink in. 

  10. All classic betas were like this and they ended up being fine

  11. He just got slightly buffed this patch. Phreak explained that the only place where he is above 50% wr is top 1% of the ladder. And even there, it's barely above 50. So he is considered rather weak.

  12. He's slightly below average but why would they buff him ? For example you have sion and morganna

  13. I'm hoping to do this soon but with a legion repack.. or in the future a dragonflight repack.. only thing stopping me is figuring out MySQL. It's rough after not using it for 10 years, no real guides for setting it up for a pserver either.

  14. All major emulators have very detailed guide and support discords. Repacks are just click and play.

  15. Click and play? If it were only that simple. Like I stated in my previous comment I had a legion repack from acweb I was attempting to set up however my lack of understanding MySQL ..or rather the newer versions leave me stumped, I use to know how to set it all up 10+ years ago but that has been all forgotten. I guess acweb has a guide for that? I just have not found it.

  16. I don't know about the repack you got specifically but usually repacks have a local ready to use mySQL install and you just need to start a bat file to get everything running

  17. I don't think Epoch is super ambitious. Compared to something like Duskhaven which has incredibly grandiose custom content plans, Epoch is pretty humble.

  18. I don't think being further away from "regular" WoW automatically makes it more ambitious. Epoch still has a lot more custom content than Duskhaven

  19. For a very long time, but not always. I remember one or two patches from around 10 years ago when minion blocking became a lot worse overnight and everyone was complaining about it

  20. There're some mechanisms in place that will punish people who are obviously boosting their account by grouping with someone Vanguard identifies as cheating :)

  21. What about queue dodgers that snipe each others ?

  22. FIFTEEN PERCENT of grandmaster games had a cheater in them at one point. That's actually insane...like i'm not trying to deliberately be hyperbolic but this is mind boggling. I always thought LoL was relatively free from the inescapable curse of online cheating.

  23. Scripting in League has always been easy and mostly undetected(or very slow), it's also really easy to get new accounts in league

  24. That's the complete opposite lol people who still only play pure vanilla are speedrunners sweatlords since it's the only way to make replaying the same game endlessly bearable

  25. Hyjal (if I remember right) was converted into everlook.

  26. That's cope, those minor staff drama aren't stopping people from playing the server, there is just low interest.

  27. How is the mob difficulty leveling? I heard its super cheesey and not really "vanilla" like leveling. I'm not saying I believe the rumors but if the devs are only focusing on endgame and just letting you cheese through the leveling experience then I don't know how you can call this a "true vanilla plus" experience. If the focus is leveling and the world difficulty is fun and challenging, sign me up!

  28. They increased the leveling difficulty yesterday, they're clearly not trying to make it any easier than vanilla.

  29. I wouldn't know about vmangos at this point but that wasn't the case five to seven years ago. With Elysium and Nost and the wake of that, there was a ton of fixes to come to the community. So, it might be the best option now but certainly wasn't plug and play years ago and Trinitycore was the undisputed king for quite some time. Also, I never liked the halted (clicking) movement present in vmangos. If that was worked out and the turns are smooth then I could see someone wanting to use that over Trinitycore.

  30. vmangos got years of polishing game mechanics and content from the most populated private servers (nost/elysium/light hope)

  31. No there is no reason for them to pay Americans 20$/h instead of people from 3rd world countries 2$

  32. They've taken group photos of the team (e.g.

  33. Yes I'm sure shenna would love to monetize epoch and add loot boxes and 30 slot bags in the cash shop

  34. bot downvotes coming in hard! every other project epoch post has tons of upvotes and deservedly so. and now the one announcing beta 3 tomorrow is being downvoted into oblivion? i guess some projects are scared of competition lol

  35. Canyon entered the LCK about 5 years ago and won worlds 4 years ago, my guy

  36. Kata crypt and some scarlet encounter are 2 things we haven't seen yet that they showcased at blizzcon.

  37. I've never played WoW before. Would this be a good server to start in?

  38. Absolutely not, funserver + low pop, don't listen to the shills and play on a populated server

  39. That guy was clearly trying to tilt him though with the ping spam and cannon smite

  40. After the failure of Felmyst I think TBC servers are done for a while

  41. Classic benefitted from existing during covid times when we were all stuck at home. Tbc and wrath launched just as people started going out again.

  42. It’s more riots fault tho, everyone knows league is on ancient engine that no one out of college would ever know. They insist on keeping it that way tho, so these new devs need to learn this ancient engine and fix bugs/add content to it.

  43. Wouldn't be very different with a new engine there would still be millions of lines of code

  44. It's dull and color are washed yes, but that's the art direction. I don't think it looks bad technically the view distance and stuff is pretty good.

  45. Tbh a R* game not getting delayed is a miracle on its own. Red Dead 1 got delayed twice, GTA V was delayed both on 7th gen and PC twice, and Red Dead 2 was also delayed

  46. GTA 6 is most likely already delayed by several years

  47. There is no outland in WC2, it was still draenor. And even that draenor had less life than tbc's outland.

  48. I know it was Draenor. Im saying the layout of the Outland land mass mostly lines up with the Warcraft 2 official map of Draenor's land mass.

  49. But it exploded. All the vanilla/wc3 era descriptions of outland say it's a bunch of desolated floating islands. WC2 called Draenor the red world already.

  50. i still dont care who stole what from who. im just a player who wants to enjoy the game and dont be involved in any drama behind the scenes.

  51. Then just play established servers, this one had 5000 redflags and never had any future, even without the drama

  52. From what I understand, they stole their core and website from another project and got called out and hacked.

  53. It's such a low number I don't know what to think of that

  54. It starts with 2000, if Russia doesn't answer they'll progressively send more

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