1. In the wise words of Callie Torres “you can’t pray away the gay.”

  2. I used that time to focus on private student loans. I’ll have to work extra to cover both now

  3. What are some shops there? Doesn’t have to big big name ones like Walmart. But if you need clothes or household things, where would you go?

  4. i still don’t understand why people hate run joey run so much😭😭😭 like it was FUN!!! yeah rachel shouldn’t have messed with jesse/finn’s feelings but the song/production itself was campy and nice.

  5. Run Joey run was my answer. I thought it was great as a performance 🎭

  6. I work in behavioral health and never had an issue and considering some of my subject matter… it definitely would have flagged something

  7. As a lesbian I prefer f/f but I enjoy a good f/m or m/m. It just means I skip through any smut for f/m or m/m pairings

  8. I was just in DR and did not get sick at all. I did minimal drinking and tried to stay hydrated throughout

  9. It looks like that particular map is from alpha 20. Go to random word generator and create a new one

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