1. There will be blood . It's not a movie, it's an experience that will make you think about what you've witnessed for a good few hours after the film. I rewatch it every couple of years.

  2. Pnpm is my favourite. It's like npm, but more performant ... Y'know

  3. Modern computers are pretty powerful. The fact that you're asking this question indicates that you won't build an app that could potentially exceed your hardware's capability.

  4. Lately I decicided to go all-in on a career , and it worked out great but there is no much space for anything else at this stage of my life. Most people would find it sad, but I really like what I do , and I've done all the things that people associate with the western notion of "living". Thorught out my 20's I backpacked and went to many festivals and enjoyed my time being a bum, just hanging with friends all the time. Back then, my FOMO was strong, and whenever I would see people hanging out with their friends, I would be jaleous, craving to have similar experiences. Now that Im older, I look at people having fun with their friends , and I feel at peace, All I can think of is "I've done that" , and I get back to work because I'm a miserable workocholic, and will probably die in my 50's FFS.

  5. Simple decision making compass. Using your spare time to better yourself continuously. I know so many people that can clearly elaborate to you how are they going to better their lives, yet as soon as the conversation finishes , they make the dummest decisions possible time and time again.

  6. I need to take charge of my ADHD, focus up and start doing the things Im meant to be doing. Additionally , I could really use of removing YT shorts from my phone , scrolling is destroying my brain.

  7. Yeah, they stopped rising, and the interest rates are going down. But for the time being, the cost of living is higher than let's say 4 years ago

  8. But the real character that the toy is based on. Gotta make it lil more believable

  9. Eh not really. Though I don't believe liberal democracy is the only way that a country should exist anyway.

  10. I would say that most attractive countries, that appeal to most people, are healthy liberal democracies

  11. Skończyły się dzieci i mlodziez na osiedlach, to i te zachowania znikły.

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