1. Not sure what point you are trying to make here.

  2. Jim Jones only had like 5000 followers he wasn't successfully leading a whole country, he isn't a realistic comparision. Kim Il Sung can be compared i think.

  3. Cult-leaders reach different levels of success for various reasons. On some points Kim Il Sung is better compared with Muhammad and other points Jim Jones is more like him. And so forth.

  4. Yes but not all cult leaders aren't bad. i'm also a member of an Islamic cult actuallt :d Most of the times bad cults doesn't have much followers and they don't get much power.

  5. Except most corrupt people are men.

  6. He was trying to make you his back up. He wanted to avoid committing until marriage time is near so if he meets a better candidate, he'd break up w you. That's my take tbh.

  7. 1/ How did the European discovery of the Americas affect Islam, if at all? I do know it’s had an affect on some aspects of Christianity, and as Islam similarly views itself as a global religion I was curious to know how it maybe fit within the Islamic view point. As a side note, I’ve had a Muslim previously explain a Hadith they said pointed to the discovery of America, but it’s description of the people aligned with incredibly incorrect myths about the Americas and, I’d you’re aware of the Hadith, I’d like to know if that has more to do with education (or lack thereof) about pre-colonial America.

  8. I just wanted to answer the 1st question. It didn't change a thing in muslims view on Islam. But it did change the main route of economic trades which ended up in decline in power of Muslim world. Seperation of Ottoman empire and eventually unending civil war between Muslim countries. It hit us very much tbh

  9. Printing money will create inflation. Trust me, I know from experience. We have been having this trouble here in Argentina since forever.

  10. As a priveledged white collar who's worked in these jobs in high school i can say it's not a hard job and looking them down isn't wrong.

  11. It's not a hard job, a weeks training and you're competent. But it is physically demanding and I would not look down on anyone for doing a job I would not want to do myself, especially if I'm using that service.

  12. If they paid 200k annual for it, i wouldn't go to college and be a burger flipper. By looking down i'm not saying i'm insulting them in their face, i'm saying if i guide my child to a career, i wouldn't advise him to be a burger flipper. Bc i see it down.

  13. Could do, but I was thinking about Boris. ;)

  14. I kinda believe women are far less "empathetic" and more worshipping the power so a country mostly ruled by women would probably be a fascistic one.

  15. Oh wait until you have multiple disorders and can't get an erection anymore because you desensitized yourself to the point that you only gets turned on by watching grotesque things. It's sad that society is accepting this behavior and there's nothing that our youth can do to stop it. As it pollutes our society and making it a norm in everyone's mind. It's so corrupted that there's no way of stopping the spread of this addiction.

  16. The Atlantic is like spokesperson of global elite. I read it to see what they "want me" to believe.

  17. Just like WW2, COVID, it is a war against Christians mostly, even though most of them don't realize it.

  18. Pleasures takes control of people. Pleasures are addictive. It should be in control and made sure it's not hurting the society as a whole.

  19. Are you attracted to other women more than her? I think it's because when you were waiting for marriage, you had too much lust. But now you're having sex regularly, so you have normal amount of lust. It's probably normal.

  20. In Germany we're known as doner cooks and BMW drifters. In Armenia and Greece we're known as monstrous warriors lol

  21. Primary school is important. Middle school and high schools aren't. People should take 2-3 years more of education after primary school and just go directly to colleges. A person still getting educated in 24 y o isn't normal.

  22. which valuable thing do you learn in high school.. i highly disagree here. a 14 yo kids potential to learn things is unbelievably good. i'm pretty sure they're far better than 19 yo's

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