1. I'm a 72 year old retired female. While I do have some health issues, I am overall still in good shape and am quite active. Mostly, just don't be stupid. Some things apply to all people --eat right, don't smoke, don't drink too much. As far as plumbing, use PPE. Don't lift things that are too heavy Ask for help when you need it. Learn proper use of all your tools. Use goggles and knee pads. Take extra care when working on ladders, on roofs, and in attics.

  2. You're talking to the wrong guys, I'm 67 and my back is fine.

  3. la casa del naranjo estĆ” muy muy bien

  4. My dad and aunt got stopped by some sicarios to get searched in MichoacĆ”n. (They searched his truck but didnā€™t find anything) and then they let them go on their way and a couple meters ahead they saw that those sicarios had just recently killed or dropped off some bodies on the side of the road. This was on their way to tecario

  5. Thanks. Would you recommend going non union first and then going union after becoming a journeyman

  6. Apply your local plumbers and pipe fitters union. They should test you and then if you score hight enough you'll be an apprentice. They'll send you off to work. What to expect exactly depends on the local but as an apprentice you'll get a lot of grunt jobs but you'll be learning a lot in your school rotations too.

  7. I see that they require WorkKeys NCRC individual score reports which I do not have and I would assume would take longer. One can go from non Union to union down the road tho right

  8. Thank you. Asking the recruiter what that specific hubā€™s staffing needs are would be a good question. I consider myself a good hard worker so hopefully that helps haha

  9. Cmon please beat the heat -honest blazers fan

  10. Iā€™m not even a pet person but brb gonna go cry

  11. I got bangers for days so if yā€™all need to be put on LMK

  12. yeah since all my grandparents died already i stay away from mexico, id rather spend my cash on trips like grand canyon and yellowstone, no reason for me to roll thru all that shit at the moment if it changes i might go visit but fuck that risk

  13. Hell na šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ the rancho is the spot my guy šŸ»šŸŽˆšŸŽ„

  14. No excuses for Chucky on that blocked shot, Tecate needs help, Chaka needs to come off my mans lost out there today. Lastly the midfield needs to step up Alvarez an HH canā€™t do everything.

  15. If you mind your own business and arenā€™t an attention whore youā€™ll be fine. Thatā€™s what everyone says.

  16. I would give the money to my parents but if I had to spend I would spend on, vacations, sporting events, best restaurants according not their yelp reviews in the biggest cities here where Iā€™m located, and alcohol. Fuck it, a few drugs too

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