1. So they won’t fill in the creepy stuff I search for? I gotta type the whole thing out?

  2. Even the ones who don’t care, they know it’s stupid. It’s objectively stupid to sell a bible for your campaign.

  3. The episodes with Stephen Collins are still there and that guy is a massive child predator

  4. Broke has to be followed by “ass.” Try “Broke Ass Don.”

  5. The Bush family handled that transition with absolute class. Laura wasn’t the biggest fan of Barrack because he talked a decent amount of shit about George during the campaign. But they put all of it aside and to this day, the Bush family has extended nothing but grace towards the Obamas.

  6. They found his body warm and responsive, under a blanket, watching Netflix.

  7. Call the ambulance. But not, actually I’ll go with you.

  8. The harmful impacts of the vaccine is coming out now too. There are adverse impacts from the vaccine, myocarditis, blood clots, and autoimmune disorders. It’s not one universal impact and not everyone is affected the same. Adverse effects like that can happen with any medication, but the vaccines skipped safety trials to be rushed to the market under emergency authorization.

  9. See, this is the problem. You build a narrative on crumbs of misinformation. The whole “they skipped safety trials.” That’s straight up not true. You probably watched 1 or 2 videos where someone said that, and you never fact checked it. That’s the underlying problem with your type of thinking. You only search for nefarious outcomes. So everything looks suspicious to you. A 13 year old in Idaho randomly drops dead? Must be the vaccine (even though you literally know nothing else about his life.)

  10. First off, I didn’t create anything. When I say that, I mean the vaccines were not FDA approved. The trials for FDA approval take years. The vaccines were rolled out in months and a perfect example of this skipping is the claim that the vaccine had no impact on pregnancies or children in the womb, when the vaccines were rolled out under a 6 month time table. Considering pregnancy takes 9 months, at best they’d have incomplete data and would be unable to make the claim without it being a lie. This was exactly the issue with a drug called thalidomide, that caused deformities in children. The FDA didn’t approve the drug in the USA because it was stuck in the trial testing, international usage exposed the drug causing deformities prior to FDA approving it.

  11. Your lack of knowledge on this subject combined with an unfortunate confidence is why we are having trouble here. Have you done any research on why pregnant women are left out of the later stage trials necessary to license a vaccine? Did you think this only happened with the Covid vaccine? Take 5 minutes and learn about this issue and come back afterwards.

  12. Like when you see a 9 year old at the door on Halloween.

  13. Hey bud, lots of us wanted be single when we were 23. It’s not quite as fun when you’re 35. But you didn’t discover some great secret to life. You’re a horny young dude. It’s rocket science.

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