1. William Ellery makes incredible full grain belts. I’ve had one for 3 years of daily use that looks better than these.

  2. Im sure I saw this photo on Depop the other day, but it was XL so too big for me. It's the old Detroit (as stated above by the walking Carhartt encyclopedia delillo), looks wider than it is long! Pretty jacket tho

  3. Hi, yes it is a Detroit Jacket although it wasn't actually labeled as such until 1998 (earlier names included "Blanket-Lined Jacket", "Jacket with Blanket Lining", etc.).

  4. A sit down game. Like a console style game. I get this is all about moving and being in the physical space, but sometimes I just want to sit down, pick up sticks, and play something like smashbrothers.

  5. Slipped Perfection Loop if anyone is wondering!

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