1. Somebody’s Russian grandma had a picture of him and prayed to it thinking it was Jesus, so not that far off

  2. Isn't it the story of most posts on this sub ?

  3. Yeah the mods is some bitches. Why make a sub about people getting offended by memes if you’re going to get offended by the memes and lock the posts anyway?

  4. George Washington in a 2009 Dodge Challenger would like to say a few words.

  5. Or just don’t have sex? I legitimately have never heard a good argument against abstinence.

  6. I’m a master baiter. I know bait. One of the guy’s homies is behind the camera. A woman with that kind of voice has longs nails and must let everyone know by pointing with them in any video they record, but instead the camera itself is used to point at the objects. Not to mention you’d be hard pressed to find a woman with that voice in the first place. It sounds too forced, and you can nearly hear it cracking.

  7. I read it out once, then put them all in to a rhythm where they’re equally spaced

  8. nazis had that DRIP. but i think they also had a leather fetish

  9. I may be mistaken but I’m pretty sure Ukraine was not our ally until they joined NATO after their war started.

  10. They are still not in NATO, and one of the preconditions for applying to NATO is that they cannot be at war so they’re not joining anytime soon either

  11. Ok thank you for clearing that up. Morally I still would rather support Israel than Ukraine, but if we don’t have any obligation I don’t know why we’re funding either of them. Seems like that money could be better spent here, giving free lunches to schools regardless of attendance and stuff (my school recently told students to stay home because if our attendance was low enough, we could continue getting funding for that. Really weird fed stuff).

  12. Those are Not his port and starboard, fool has them mixed

  13. I saw the same image a few months back and had to download mematic to fix it. Port and starboard are the only things you should give a swag about

  14. Instead of using slurs (in a rather distasteful way I might add) I would have just paralyzed as many as I possibly could have until the police eventually shot me

  15. Ha, no. I believe in freedom, both economic and personal. Being more libertine than you doesn't imply I want the "commune" or state to control my money.

  16. It was a joke but being left doesn’t make you want the government or a governing body to control things, being Authoritarian does

  17. Finally worked up the courage to say goodbye to pyro today. Used to enjoy his content but now even on the main channel it feels like slop. Going to leave the discord too. I would say goodbye, but it seems the pyro I enjoyed left a long time ago. There is only rot left in his mind and body.

  18. They’re not all like this but I’ve had a couple over the years

  19. When the Illuminate come they will be the fourth faction. Super Earth is a faction itself, and any suggestions otherwise will be considered treason. The Illuminate are the third enemy faction.

  20. Finally someone understands what I’ve been saying all along

  21. I’m an ally to the United States of America!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅

  22. Inferno, The Giver, I would like to put Uglies up there but I read it a long time ago so I don’t know how it holds up to an older me.

  23. Politics complicates things. This is a moral issue. That being said, I was the LibRight that showed up to the competition, causing Squidward’s nose to shrink.

  24. Check your mail for a letter from the marines. Holy shit freshmen are lazy

  25. 😢😘 Regardless of the expensive paint job, I still love my child unconditionally I guess

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