1. The ones that were problems for me was the Dodorexy's, RR-Star Farm Animals, and Tameable Bosses.

  2. I’ve actually been going through that method the past hour and also noticed it’s a mod or 2. Thanks for the tip on one of them being the Tameables Bosses mod, just need to figure out the other/others

  3. UPADTE: I found the 2 other mods on mine. The Shantungosaurus and Velonasaur mods. Deactivated them and I can play my single player now!

  4. You're the only one to think Crispin is a girl

  5. Don't tell me that Jellymon is more compatible with human in terms of breeding...!?

  6. Whoa ummmm first off amazing art work! Second uhhh was she always soooo…….. defined…… 😅😅😅😂😂😂

  7. Just going off from that pic on their Twitter they tweeted of her

  8. I would like context if at all possible

  9. The water makes you pregnant, even if you’re male(which basically makes you a woman)

  10. Why you gotta put your watermark right there XD Really nice art regardless, keep up the good work!!

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