1. I just switched to NekoJailbreak (rootful) on ios 15.8.2 and I'm lovin it. It's not recommended for noobs, however. I had to troubleshoot a few tweaks, dependencies but a few essential tweaks I need are only rootful. You could also use palera1n, of course. (Vers 2.0.0 beta 7 and below.) NekoJB is a rootful port of Dopamine. Very stable so far!

  2. May I ask what essential tweaks were rootful only?

  3. Tetherme, for one. Way more tweaks on rootful, like many times more.

  4. Thought so. The only other major tweak (imo) that only works on rootful is xenhtml but that may just be an iOS version issue not rootless

  5. Also does anyone know if spy pet has access to pictures or is it written messages only ?

  6. Please read the post you are commenting on… smh

  7. Right above the section you just read…

  8. It took me a minute to figure out the post is about the Combat Update from eight years ago. I didn't realize this was still such a hot-button issue, especially since at this point I've played the game for more than twice as long with shields than without.

  9. Pretty sure it’s Players versus Players

  10. Nah I’m a the outlier: a smart Edgar main🤯🤯🤯

  11. Am I brain dead for only pushing Edgar 😭

  12. If it’s on 16.5.1 or below it has dopamine

  13. Thanks! I’ll leave it off and see how things go. I’ve used it for years with no battery drain, but maybe the “reborn” version has issues, especially on dopamine.

  14. It’s always been one of the biggest battery designers since the beginning

  15. Excuse my ignorance, figured only JB devices could be themed like this. I use to theme like crazy back in iPhone 4 to my 6 but they were always JB devices eh. If you would be so kind, could you explain how this is achieved? Thanks!

  16. Fyi the iPhone 14 can be jailbroken with dopamine on supported versions

  17. Can it?!! I have iPhone 14 Plus. So just more info on the site then?

  18. You are popping off with tweak releases lately!

  19. Although the project has been discontinued, I’ve personally been having a great time on discord v214 with vendetta v0.0.2

  20. Check out revenge! It’s an updated fork of vendetta on GitHub

  21. Any known vulns for 17.3.1 yet that we know some security researcher will published?

  22. https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/s/8LQvd0HQhE

  23. I’m on 15.4 lot of the apps I’m trying to download says 16.0 required, is there a bypass?

  24. Mb I thought it was an A9 iPad not a 9th gen iPad

  25. 🏴‍☠️ 🟩 🐧❄️ 🔥 🏜 🌊🧲

  26. i have a few ranging from easiest to hardest

  27. Last one was unironically the easiest after deadlocked

  28. You probably changed the battery status bar icon with cowabunga or something similar. If you have a pc try using cowabunga lite to turn it back to normal (I think cowabunga lite can change status bar) if not then I don't think you can fix it.

  29. [Complications] would love to have my social media apps on my lockscreen again. It kinda works but it resets my preferences.

  30. If it works or serotonin, there’s no reason it shouldn’t work on dopamine 🤔

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