1. Or the OP is just dense. Why would you assume someone is smart when most aren't?

  2. Deceptive marketing for sure.. I'm a bit pissed at intel's branding scheme for this very reason.

  3. I lived worked in Hillsboro/Portland area and spoke with many of these intel guys about how shitty their product labels are and how confusing they are... I think they intentionally want to fuck the customer because they don't care how deceptive it is to the average consumer who doesn't have time and would reasonably think that a 5 is better than a 3.

  4. Police don't prevent crime. That's probably why this is such a hard topic for you. Seems like you still see the police as super heros stopping crime on a dime. Gotta get a reality check on that quick. The police do nothing other than arrest people that's it. They don't solve or prevent crime.

  5. Yeah I second adding some kind of secondary lock to the inside. Worst case scenario you pay for it on the flip side.

  6. I actually feel like it's world/save dependent. I found a shit ton on my solo map and only a handful on my multiplayer map.

  7. Great advice. Where’s the farmer directory? How do I track these farmers down?

  8. Why is that a fair statement? I mean, if she didn’t want to do this for collegiate glory, what do you think is the impulse to keep up with swimming when she finds out the unfair advantage it gives her?

  9. The idea that someone has to fully transition to transition is nonsense. Some may transition in verbiage only, and aren't taking hormones, etc etc etc. The idea that every trans person goes through the same struggle is asinine. And I'm sure you don't know Thomas well enough to debate whether or not they've gone through sexual reassignement surgery (hard) or if they've gone through facial feminization plastic surgery (hard) or any other major step other than saying call me such and such.

  10. I've actually heard this too and was quoting it bc I think my dad said it... anyways he was wrong.

  11. seems a little odd to chose where to live based on if its cool to shoot gym bros or not

  12. Yeah this is the typical murder obsessed re-re that gives all other gun owners a bad name.

  13. Nah I got those opinion rewards burning a hole in my pocket

  14. I have an "egg whites" category in my Paprika app exactly for this haha... here goes:

  15. Sorry I had paprika installed up until like a week ago when I cleaned house and realized I've never really used it... What are the best features for you? And how does it compare to other recipe apps? I've used the "tasty" but that's the only one I've played with and am open to suggestions. Thank you (also sorry if this is the wrong place to make this comment)

  16. I believe it's not fair. When I look at what the car is being sold at, it's at what we owed or far more. They're saying it's worth 10k, I don't know what they looking at that's giving them that number, but the car is going for 18k to 28k online. How would I get the proof that it's undervalued?

  17. The assessment probably looked at miles driven, and if it's being used as an uber, it's probably used more miles than the value of the car.. OR if you told them it was being used as an Uber/rideshare it probably also effected the value. That's what the uber guys don't get, is it doesn't actually pay to drive for them when you sacrifice your personal capital to feed california execs.

  18. Tdarr is great but make sure your stack includes a file size check and a duration check. I have had it bug out before and replace good files with broken encodes.

  19. Its called thirsty Sasquatch it's in main street 5 dollar lunch slice or it's a 33 dollar pie

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