1. Sounds like a shift from the previous statement, where they said it didnt exist as an issue and we just complain 

  2. Frontend requires top-down learning as someone smarter than me described it. Instead of learning fundamentals, you go balls deep immediately using 10-20 different libraries and frameworks and you only then learn deeper and deeper as you go. This is, frankly, quite different from "backend", or just software development in general at a lower level.

  3. Kind of unrelated, but am i the only one who found next to be slow af? Like humanly noticably slower than regular react

  4. Ngl 50% success rate with regex is terrifying

  5. UX? Electron-based apps don't feel native, and often feel heavy/slow when compared to their native predecessor (Especially when done bad, like in Ubisoft Connect).

  6. I wonder how much of it comes dowm to not seeing these issues during dev/testing.

  7. main() { return 0; } // In C++ all functions must have a return type. In C it defaults to int

  8. C may be valid cpp but try writing c code in a cpp codebase and watch everyone lose their mind (for good reason)

  9. Im not a huge fan of sprinkling cdr on every item

  10. Yeah... The good old times, when Red and Blue camps had 2 little helpers to kill you faster. When a laner can attack a camp from over the wall, and the camp would chase them. When the jungle Item was Cloth Armor. When Warwick could die to jungle camps... Leashing was very much necessary.

  11. When ganking was a matter of do you have enough hp after the clear to even try

  12. The funniest thing to me as well is most people complaining probably use TikTok religiously as if it’s not a worse version of Vanguard

  13. Tiktok cant decide to make a video of you if it feels like it

  14. Wasn’t there a security breach last year? Just because vanguard might not cause problems, there are millions of users that can be breached through vanguard. No piece of software is immune to breaches and hacks.

  15. he should be bronze to silver, either he improved or got lucky with the placements lol

  16. Well that is reasonable though. Otherwise how would any performance ranking compare to the championship table?

  17. Interesting question when ranking performance.

  18. the problem is when minion block is removed walls won't work probably since everything is coded as minion

  19. Them people really dont know a joke if it isnt ended with /s

  20. fr, people who have already learned everything forget just how frustrating it was to try to learn it in the first place

  21. More like people who have learned half the things and then gave up 

  22. Dude, the market’s flooded. It’s not “settling for less” to work an entry level job for a year or two at 70k instead of 85k when it’s the only offer you’ve gotten in 6 months of applications.

  23. Ye lol, 75k is 75k more than waiting for the 80-90k job.

  24. I've done a fair share of shrooms and they don't turn you into a douche. That was in there the entire time.

  25. But it can remove the layer of gotta fit into society

  26. Kog feels unplayable now. Loses every front-to-back teamfight in the lategame and loses to any comps that can hit backline.

  27. Even if he makes it to the backline he wont do enough dmg in my experience

  28. Neutral Evil is the only one that’s new to me and I feel like I’ve found a beautiful new calling

  29. Linker errors have got to be some of the worst errors to diagnose.

  30. The first time you run into circular dependency is sweet

  31. The ORM is way more than just a query layer, something that can be overriden to use sql for complex queries. It abstracts the entire database connectivity, transaction layers, and even architecture. Your optimization should come from how you organize your data. ORMs help to maintain the integrity of the database you setup, and I don't trust you to 2NF the db in raw sql if you're having these issues

  32. The issue is (as always tbh) when you are forced to use it. 

  33. I like Angular wayyy more with its structured approach.

  34. we live in xxi century and some language compilers still cant handle cyclic problems?

  35. Tfw Car.h includes Engine.h and Engine.h includes Car.h

  36. It's funny that both sides have pretty much the same complaint about the other; they don't understand what I can and can't do. For every jungler who gets flamed for not babysitting and saving a losing lane, there's jungle who forces rift grubs when their tank top is at 30%, the enemy fighter top is at 80% and they can't fathom why they weren't followed on their suicide mission. 

  37. I'd have more empathy for junglers that get flamed for no reason, if in insert every elo between bronze and diamond they wouldnt try to gank a level6 illaoi AFTER they landed their E.

  38. I like the discussion but OP is dumb af for that. Did he expect something more from his yes-answer question? I see a lot of good discussion on pathing and tempo but OP freaks the fuck out lol

  39. Ye lmao the "behind the scenes evidence" is coming from the guy who thinks asking karthus to ult is a reasonable thing to do

  40. That taric sorcerer comp with the guy from Arcane that shot his goo all over the board rocking a gunblade was sooooo fun to play though.

  41. Targon+shadow isles +shen was my jam tanky af frontline

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