1. I don't get why they can't reduce numbers while still being pro-immigration. No reasonable people are expecting a complete stop of all immigration.

  2. It doesnt help that the provinces are begging for more immigrants. And if they want other plans to go smoothly it's easier if they give the provinces what they want.

  3. It's a level of crazy you tend to only see in movies to express how crazy a character is. I'm SHOCKED someone would advertise this online. I'm hoping this is fake, tbh.

  4. The psychotic laughing as she was kicked out push this into ragebait territory for me.

  5. Bro it was so far in the future you can't even vaguely vegin to place blame on some faction you know.

  6. It was “subtitled” to you…in the anime. Through a fucking song lol. This post is of the manga panel, which was changed in the anime. In the manga everything goes down within 50-100 years, the anime changed it so things happen many centuries down the line and so people couldnt just resort to it being cause of vengeance.

  7. Nah, y'all assume everything went down 50-100 years in the future. That's why the anime made it clearer.

  8. Ngl, imma prop you up for getting that bag regardless of whether you got a dick or taking dick.

  9. Thats awesome you do that but a lot of people don't and that's my point. OF girls are heavily criticized

  10. Ye, it's just that the people you're talking to likely aren't the ones you're actually complaining about.

  11. You say that, but there's some 16~17 year olds at my work as part-timers. And they had never even heard of guns n' roses... GnR were still doing stuff in the early 2000s...

  12. Idk man, ive only met like 1 person under 40 who actually listens to GnR by choice. Sure they were doing stuff, but no one paid attention.

  13. "You may be old but are you this old" dude I'm 20

  14. Calling out that it is a spoiler could also spoil people who didn't realize this is a spoiler about anything new.

  15. Brother we been knew this. This is the 50th “guys lower your expectations” post 😂

  16. These posts belong under those 1000 man battle videos, not here.

  17. That doesnt kill them though. Their brain isnt in the head.

  18. That sounds like a euphemism for something. "That guy, you know, he uh, he calls strikes in the other batters box, if you know what I mean."

  19. You can call someone anything in a scottish accent and it'll sound like you're calling them gay.

  20. The reason people believe in sasquatch and those other mythical creatures is because of creatures like this

  21. The wendigo makes a ton of sense if you've ever been in the forest at dusk.

  22. Now that you have been promoted, you better use up your oil reserves real fast before you are "promoted" further.

  23. Claim him or don’t. He grew up in Canada whether you like it or not.

  24. Nature relates to innate characteristics. Nurture would be the fact that he grew up and was raised in Canada. We’re both arguing nurture, dude.

  25. Im just memeing. Don't take me seriously ahahha. I get he's Canadian, Im just tryna chiro Drake.

  26. Gotta be some very happy folks over at hooded horse

  27. And hopefully one VERY happy dev. Mans is going fro. War torn regional struggle to a multi millionaire in jsut a week.

  28. But here's the thing, supposedly FIL likes his steaks well done, so I'm guessing he just cooks them through on the traeger.

  29. I mean... i guessssssss uou could. But if you want a good crust even well done, you'll still want to sear it.

  30. Even worse, I’m half a decade younger! I honestly might end it all man I’m too dangerous

  31. I remember telling someone that Azula and Shego were responsible for my sexual awakening and they called me a pedo cause Azula was 14 or soem shit.

  32. No clue tbh, they were calling out azula yho, probably could have left shego out of thid story, jsut felt it necessary to not omit detail.

  33. that's exactly what i say. Trudeau government has let me down in many significant ways. I'm not voting for conservatives im just voting against the liberals

  34. So you're voting ndp, independent or green? Or you're voting conservative to own the libs?

  35. I don't know yet because the parties haven't released their platforms in enough detail for me to actually look at who i think has the best plan.

  36. Hopefully there's a healthy balance of good and bad.

  37. Eventually there will be prinarily good. A lot of the "but I expected totalwar!" Crowd will filter themselves out quickly, and as long as mods can stay on top of it. Their voices should remain quiet.

  38. I've seen all the official Manor Lords videos. There's a lot more fighting than building.

  39. I mean, im not happy with it, but the evidence is clearly that average people will atill blame the feds and parrot whatever the TV or their fav Social Media tells them to say.

  40. Cuntz' unappreciated military genius meanwhile he calls me his Loser Liege Lord and raps all the time

  41. Did you just reference the fucking Eminem ancient warfare general ai generated rap?!

  42. the entire reason they made it free and took it off the store was so they didnt have the worst rating on steam.

  43. Then be an adult and ask the worker to unlock the cabinet

  44. Sometimes you don't want to wait days to have sex. Or you forgot condoms, so you need something quick.

  45. Knowing how it's gone in the past, any good one government does near the end of their term will be credited to their successor.

  46. Wouldn't the equivalent be a woman tweeting about a mans height?

  47. It doesn’t relate to the issue at hand at all. It doesn’t matter how OP was raised, the wife isn’t entitled to shit.

  48. Yes it does. The whole issue is him comparing his wife to his mom.

  49. The issue is that wife feels entitled to her MIL’s help, dumbass.

  50. Read the post again, especially the last line. Wife can be entitled while OP is an AH for comparing them. Theyre not mutually exclusive.

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