1. Having these thoughts in a miserable lonely and dark NYE. I see you. I hope you don't have that pain anymore. Travel well.

  2. Oh that's so eerie, I open Reddit and the first thing I see is a fawn with my name. Thank you for leaving her to the earth again.

  3. I actually wondered "what terrible luck! Would be funny if it was a black cat" and giggled seeing your kitty. Sigh, see black cats are simply magnets for chaotic energy, not bad luck! Chaos can result in unfortunate circumstances though. I hope you kitty rests in slightly more peace. Plant some flowers over him 🖤

  4. Looks like a black cat from the fur? Heartbreaking, I have a huge soft spot for black cats. Please take care of her bones :)

  5. I completely agree. I lost my oldest friend last year. She was a black kitty 15 years young. Her name was serenity. I think of her every day

  6. I've got two black kitties around the same age. I know my time with them is nearly up, I'll give them a chin scratch from you. Crazy how much love can be put into and contained within such a small black poof of fur. I'm sorry about Serenity. So much love contained in one cat means a lot of grief too, it's the trade-off I guess :(

  7. Genuine question are self inserts (done well) ok? I see a lot of shit against them but I don't see what's wrong with them. Obviously as long as it's not too self servicing and aggrandising, and not completely trashing a canon character. This should've stayed as a fanfic man.

  8. Hahah please can I put mine. I have, no lie, a breathing and heartbeat fetish. Heavy breathing? Visible pulse or heartbeat? Hand on a guys chest? Listening to a crushes heartbeat? That's will have me warmed up in seconds.

  9. I'm going to be honest, working and specifically working in retail drove me to self harming on the job, crying on shop floor, becoming suicidal and strongly considering commuting while at work or just after. This isn't people like me being lazy, or faking or any of the shit Tories try to inject into the public's head. I don't get a choice. I want to be productive and busy again, earn money and have career prospects. But if I am forced into work, almost definitely with zero proffesional support as has been the case since being discharged from CAMHS at 18, I will die. I don't won't to, but I don't exactly get a choice in the end.

  10. If they want to help disabled people back into work, the first need to fund the NHS. I’ve been unable to work due to being unable to access support services which specifically help ppl like me get jobs (I’m autistic, likely bipolar but still haven’t gotten the diagnostic assessment after 6 psychward visits, possibly bpd but the diagnosis was given to me after a 30 minute conversation?). I’ve also had little access to a psychiatrist so I’ve been off my meds for 4 months, this was due to a suicide attempt where they took me off my meds and haven’t given me a usable prescription since. I’m still waiting for a review. This has been my situation for years. I’m suffering with severe self neglect too but I’m not even being given social worker appointments or an assessment for supported accommodation. Someone like me has no chance. Ppl like me end up killing themselves under this system, we have little political power and that’s on purpose. It’s a unintended genocide.

  11. You're in the exact same situation as me. Do these people think we have chosen to be like this?? Our lives are actually at risk, not just a bit of crying or a little paddy, people like us die. I've been on and off waiting lists for years, I'm meant to be getting my degree in Biological Sciences. I could scream at these Tories but I'm barely well enough to do the basics. I just want these Tories to actually talk to people like us. Face to face. Fuck this shitty country for depriving us to the point of illness then acting shocked and irritated when we proceed to not be good little worker drones.

  12. we process samples and preserve them or freeze them before shipping them back to our home labs for analyses. In terms of equipment, we have all the gear to collect and preserve them and do the molecular work once we get them home. We don't bring back live animals.

  13. What molecular work will you be doing specifically on the samples? Also any eDNA work at all?

  14. we are looking at population genomics, sequencing genomes of organisms, some transcriptomics, and my lab is collecting eDNA samples for sure!

  15. You're literally doing my exact dream job :))) I'm massively interested into going into genomics and conservation of, well anything I have the budget to go get extracurricular experience on! Being poor doesn't mix well with marine biology I've noticed. Will these bits of sequencing be uploaded at some point?

  16. Johannes has my heart, he is such a damn charismatic performer. When he says to take care of ourselves and take care of each other, it's feels so genuine.

  17. I went. It was a q&a session and signing. Was awesome got to meet everyone.

  18. Yo did you catch who the drag queen was? And did someone manage to write down answers to the questions. It was such a good event to go to!

  19. Hey as a vulture culture weirdo I'd personally yell thanks over the fence.

  20. There’s a way to say it “you were unplanned but never unloved”

  21. Weirdly enough, I have had this exact thing said to me by my dad. He never wanted kids, but he's been the best dad I could ask for despite the looming presence of an emotionally and verbally abusive mother (ironically she was desperate for kids!). There's ways you can have honest conversations and still ensure your kid knows they're loved :/

  22. Got screamed at as a kid for going to the toilet at night so by habit I sometimes don't but in general, do. It's just a bit grim not to :/

  23. Deer. I will never eat Venison because I don't morally agree with it. There are plenty of farm animals to kill for meat. I find Stags so magnificent that I honestly don't understand the mentality of the Hunt. It's just rich peoples pathetic games. Anyone who says it's a sport can seriously step on Lego.

  24. Yup, I only agree with hunting for population control as a last resort and even then it's usually humans fault for overbreeding them. It still makes me miserable to see venison when I barely get to see the guys alive.

  25. They are complete dumbasses and yell a lot but I will happily give them some love

  26. No, not at all. No one but the most nasty people are going to think poorly of you. Also I highly reccomend the electric blanket purchase I promise it helps. Also cat may become glued to it as a warning. Best wishes x

  27. Thanks for sharing! No expiration date thankfully

  28. What the hell is Reading doing on my front page? Happy for you :)

  29. Suicide unfortunately. High risk due to lots of personal stressors and mental health issues. I give it 1-5 years.

  30. I would love to, I really would. I give all the cash I have to the person who's selling the big issue, magazine out here in the UK sold by the homeless for money and I believe they have a vetting system. But the random girl on the street covered in meth sores? No. You have an incredibly sheltered and ignorant opinion. These addictions destroy lives and prevent you from leaving the streets. My sibling lives in sheltered accomodation due to mental health issues and lives with addicts given a place to live off the streets. She tells me that these guys struggle to recover, to stay off drugs and they never seem truly with it. Do not enable that behaviour, you are not helping them.

  31. Generally speaking if your not able to hunt them, you shouldn't be allowed to preserve them . Who could tell if you shot it after preservation.

  32. I trawled through some legal stuff and I think as long as it's obvious this bird died naturally or not by your hands, I think it is then the property of the landowner. It's not an illegal species to possess (I'm looking into getting that lisence) and the council would have likely just binned it on the next bin day. There isn't that much legal stuff on a bird that is part of the migratory birds 500 list, but is not a protected species that you need a lisence to possess remains of. If anyone investigated and saw my track record of crying over stepping on a snail I think you would know I'd never kill it on purpose :(

  33. Not anywhere near experienced enough! Will be trying to go on a course though, I will discuss the birds fate with the guy who teaches it.

  34. Turn it upside down outside of the house and shake. All dead leaves will fall off. I removed that farbic thing from our plants last weekend. Check the roots and repot him. That fabric is not hurting him it just hold it together. Our plants lived with it for years. We have them near south window, in plastic pots with holes and saucer under them. Watering once a week but it depends on humudity in your house. Just check the soil before watering. It will be fine I am sure. And be aware of bugs. Good luck 👍

  35. Quarantining the guy, will give it a shake and the Hessian twine is gone! Will report when able to as I'm moving soon.

  36. First make sure it’s not infested with anything

  37. It is quarantining in the kitchen far away from any of my plants!

  38. Eh I blur all mine together for the fuck of it. It's not Facebook, we're pretty savage here.

  39. Excellent because I really couldn't care less about having both together, yknow?

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