1. I only have 3 more and they are all medallions… so the picture show almost all of my legendaries.

  2. wow, that luck is still amazing!! how long have you been playing for? ive been going for 10 months

  3. I think I have been playing it for about 2 years, maybe 3. But yeah definitely been quite lucky with the legendary from the henerprises

  4. I think you are ready for it, but I suggest spending like 30 minutes to an hour prestiging. It will make the run so much easier.

  5. I don't think the gain in EB would be worth giving up their current progress, would it?

  6. Oo, I didn’t see that he was already at 1,1 billion. Then I definitely agree with you, he can do it with that EB with a few hours of running chickens.

  7. Please take the time to demote your rares you don’t use now, or you will end up like me demoting for over 1 hour and 30 minutes straight.

  8. Decided to take advantage of the 30% crafting discounting and cracked open the piggy for a little over 18M GE. 11th Gusset was my first enchanted T4 Gusset and first Legendary of any kind from any source.

  9. Well it's pretty amazing that you've gotten this far in such short time but there will probably come a point where if you want to take your game to a higher level mechanics need to be practiced to be quite frank. If you are cool just having fun then that is probably the best mindset to be

  10. Well, I’ll guess I just have some fun for now without practicing mechanics, and wait to see if I can be bothered to train them, thanks for the help.

  11. Oddly enough it took me until the last year or so to have fun just trying stuff. It took time, and I am an older gamer at 37 so my learning curve is not as good as younger players. I'll throw on a music mix and just try stuff for 30-45 minutes then hit up games after. All that being said, there are so many players that stopped having fun trying to grind, myself included. Make sure you don't stop having fun

  12. I tend to learn things quite fast, so those 30 minutes may be a good idea when I have time. But you have a good point when it comes to fun, that’s all it’s about.

  13. And then there is me with 4 of T3L of them and zero T4L. They are still legendaries though, so I can’t complain too much.

  14. It depends on your artifacts, but if you have a T4E gusset you can probably do it.

  15. You should be fine, but you may wait to after July 14th if to take advantage of the prestige bonus. But if you want you could start now and be fine.

  16. Exactly the same as me. I only have about 200 in game hours, and I rarely or never do training packs and free play. Do the mechanics just naturally come or do you have to specifically train for them, or is it even necessary?

  17. I have launched 460 henerprise, were 130 of them was extended. Got 6 legendarys so I guess 1 per 76 launched.

  18. It depends on the artifacts, but with a T4E gusset you can do it with around 10S or 100S if you don’t want to grind at all.

  19. Yeah I pushed to 1b not too long ago, now it's going to be a long but easy ride

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