1. I still wear on OG Andre jersey all the time. Even have a Cory Bradford jersey lol. Will be getting a new WAJ for sure

  2. I'm definitely getting C7 or Tank Dell when the new jerseys come out.

  3. Carl gotta be one of the biggest scumbags in modern esports history.

  4. xerath/ziggs have double the range of orianna, xerath has e which can stop azir when going for shuffle, and ziggs has w which can stop azir as well, orianna is a lot more in azirs face trying to bully him = more vulnerable to ganks, xerath/ziggs they dont even have to step up to the wave, if anything orianna is A LOT more vulnerable to this than ziggs and xerath is

  5. It is ridiculous to rely on a slow moving skill shot, to shut down a shuffle. Even if you do manage to stop Azir from shuffling, what do you do about the J4 EQR combo, or the sej R?

  6. again what will orianna do without flash against j4 eqr combo or sej r if she uses r to stop azir? nothing she is just as dead as xerath/ziggs, have to sit under tower? xerath one shots wave so does ziggs at level 9 and even before, your logic doesnt make sense orianna/hwei both meta picks cant survive without flash j4 or sejuani ganks with azir dashing on them and again if anything hwei/orianna are a lot more in azirs face = more vulnerable

  7. Because Ori has combat mobility other then flash, unlike xerath/ziggs means she doen't have to burn flash to get out of everything, meaning she will have flash up more for when J4 uses R. Ori has a lot more burst and sustained damage than Ziggs and Xerath which can easily deter Azir to do anything. The best thing to do against Azir in laning especially pre 6 is to walk all over him, something Ziggs/Xerath can't do and something Ori can. Xerath/Ziggs are also not safe under tower because Azir can just shuffle them out of it.

  8. Mundo goes where he pleases. Even down the road of a popstar.

  9. You gotta add Azir. He's the perfect curveball off-meta pick that counters a lot of popular picks like trundle.

  10. As an Azir top I agree, you should never go nashors 2nd, because you should always get it after you rush LC.

  11. I wouldn’t say that means he’s „fair”

  12. When I said Azir was "fair" I was meaning it in the way of him not having a bullshit gimmick like wind wall or invulnerability.

  13. meh in my opinions Azir's combination of DPS, mobility and self peel is much more bullshit than any of single gimmicks

  14. I get that. However if you look at another champ like Vayne, people despise her for her % Max health true damage and invisibility, not for her mobility, self peel and conventional DPS.

  15. I find getting access to tank shred to not accessible early game. As an Azir main I have to get at least 2 items + boots before I can start building towards tank shred items. Where as last season I could get Liandrys 1st item so I could and have some tank shred.

  16. Why would they have to turbo buff his stats? He deals a lot of damage while building only tank/bruiser items and/or missing parts of his combo. He has durability with his W shield, and ability to buy tank items. His E is a get out of jail free card. Has 3 dashes not including flash.

  17. I think Tunsil has dance lessons on Wednesday or something. He's always got Wednesday off.

  18. A lot of veterans get a "veterans rest day", because they are older and need that extra day to better recuperate from the games.

  19. Corki no W would also eliminate is passive. Cassiopeia no Q, Azir no W. Yuumi no W, Irelia no Q, Yi no , Soraka no , Singed no Q

  20. Thresh stacks armor, infinitely, so it’s really a question of if thresh can get enough armor so that thornmail one shots senna. Prob get magic pen boots too instead of the armor ones.

  21. Thornmail only affects auto attacks so Senna could just Q W R Thresh with Riftmaker (For the True Damage)

  22. But would she even be able to land her abilities 1v1, all of em take ages to cast, and only ult is truly long ranged, so if she is in that close a distance she is gonna die

  23. With her getting infinite AD scaling to a point where her ult or q could one shot thresh.

  24. Graves, Corki with Package, Vayne, Senna (With enough souls), Teemo (If he has time to set up), Quinn (Maybe?)

  25. TSM buys an LCK spot and brings in Zeus Canyon Chovy Gumayushi and Keria. If the T1 players re-sign with T1 TSM could bring Kingen, Aiming, Lehends.

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