1. "Very unhelpful" good, no one is obligated to help you, loser

  2. Now either your straight up lying or you’ve never been in a healthy relationship because you should 100% care what partner says about you. You sound ignorant

  3. My partner would never say I have a big loose vagina because that's not how vaginas work, for one, and I don't have one for two. If my partner told his friend we sometimes use toys in our sex romps I would not care because I am not prudish when it comes to sex.

  4. It’s not prudish to want private things to stay private. Just because you don’t have a problem with your business being told doesn’t make it the norm. I now see you are incapable of putting yourself in other people’s shoes and are satisfied with being ignorant.

  5. You asked me specifically how I would feel. Are you ok? A peek at your comment history tells me that you are not. I hope you heal

  6. YTA. You don't get to coerce your wife into sex, and you don't get to tell her what she can and can't do with her own body. Just divorce and move on but in this context you are absolutely the asshole.

  7. It’s interesting how research shows that lower IQ individuals have difficulty perceiving the validity of situations/stories when presented to them.

  8. I do love tammy faye, as any midwestern gay diva who now works in HIV care would.

  9. Was this written with ai? Was it even necessary to jump over the couch and why wasn’t someone helping her move it? I would have been annoyed with mom too. Way too over dramatic. Plus she knew the bookcase had fallen multiple times before, yet still let her son lay in front with his feet on it. wtf does “just as ‘you’ as ever” even mean? If this story isn’t fake, which I do believe it is, yta. If it’s anyone who knows how she acts when she gets this way, it’s definitely the sister and she was sick of the pity party.

  10. You're telling me you can't parse someone saying "You're just as "you" as ever"? It means she's acting like she always does.

  11. No. Wish someone would just buy it and turn it into a gay club already 😆

  12. Someone did buy it, it's in the process of getting the licenses now

  13. Ok the fact that they were using other people’s names is straight up bonkers.

  14. They're literally insane. I was harassed so bad by them I had to call the cops. I even reached out to the woman's daughter and she told me she had her mom blocked across the board, so....!

  15. I'm gonna be mean for a moment: I would not have sex with this man

  16. NAH. I get why you feel that way, but having been in a similar or maybe even more dire situation as your wife (I have an eating disorder) I can assure you she is not thinking about your body when she criticizes her own.

  17. People who write out "mommas" like that always give me a red flag feeling

  18. Babe I'll be saying the same about you when the time comes so

  19. NTA. she doesn't have a lot of friends because she has trash communication skills and is rude. Not your circus etc

  20. What is up with these kids? When I was 13 I was babysitting for other families. When my son was 13 he was going to DTLA with friends on the bus by himself. These kids have to ask their mom to find cups for them? I felt panicky just reading this. Another useless husband, another woman at her wit's end

  21. Buy yourself flowers all the time if you can afford it. Tell your wife you love fresh cut flowers in the house. I suffer from intense depression too. Flowers are so lovely and my love for them led to my love of other longer lasting plants.

  22. “It’s kind of his fault his spouse hit him” Ight I’m done w this delusion. If she’s that much of a danger, he needs to leave and take the kid before she decides to take out her issues on their baby too.

  23. He doesn't seem to care much about his child's safety or his wife's, tbh

  24. Yeah I really bet if he cared more about his abuser he wouldn’t have been assaulted /s

  25. Again, educating yourself on what PPD/PPP would be a great start

  26. Well I'll be damned. A christian who doesn't want me dead. Wonders never cease, I'll take thirty of him.

  27. Had to scroll down far for this comment, which is sad. Clearly he’s been going through shit, and while I’d like to think wife has tried to help, from her current tone she does not seem to give one flying fuck that her husband is spiraling.

  28. This man is abusive. It can take years to leave an abuser.

  29. How could someone make it to adulthood without learning ways to mitigate noise while they sleep?

  30. Maybe they have. My husband snores so loud sometimes I can hear him over a white noise machine, through a closed door, and over the television.

  31. She's NTA at all, her useless husband is. And I need to have a talk with whoever entered gaslight into the lexicon because no one uses it right and it's annoying!!!

  32. Yes, I did. 'I told my husband I'd be gone for the weekend and gave him my itinerary so he knew where I was and what I was doing.'

  33. Why does OP need to shut her phone off for 24 hours? She didn’t want to check in with hubby and kids before bed? This is not a happy person in general.

  34. This is a bizarre thing to say. Why would she have to check in with her husband and children before bed? You would assume that her husband can handle the kids.

  35. Damn, I thought of that too. From what I remember, the golf cart their daughter was riding wasn’t going very fast at all, and she just happened to hit her head exactly right to cause the TBI. That whole story was, and continues to be, so sad. Almost as bad as “Wake Up Olive” (I say almost because obviously their daughter didn’t die, but it was terrible because he kept having “visions” or whatever that the lord was going to heal Eva at a particular day/time, and was asking people to pray for it…which wound up, of course, not happening)

  36. I believe the girl actually had some sort of aneurysm; the fall didn't cause the TBI, she fell off the cart FROM a medical event

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