1. Is Mussolini stupid? How did he let normal mortals kill him?

  2. idk maybe humans that could see through the mist? we've already seen mortals use celestial bronze to hurt demigods as well as monsters, so it could be that

  3. (I was doing the “are they stupid” meme/joke)

  4. la gente tiene sus derechos hasta que intenta violar los de otros

  5. I’ve seen this meme like two times already but probably femininity idk

  6. so you'd be attracted to a feminine man? idk man that sounds pretty gay

  7. except for diplocaulus or the mfs that farted their way into the air (i forgot the name)

  8. I just shoved a nuke up my possy 🤭🤭🤭🤪🤪😩

  9. NUKE RADIO 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣

  10. el tomate de arbol esta muy infravalorado

  11. Ngl i can't see the difference if it has been "redraw"

  12. look at the jaw, the main difference is there

  13. CBS' Zoo, I loved it so much but it ended on a cliffhanger then got canceled, that will forever be my grudge with TV as a whole.

  14. massa is one of his best songs

  15. exactly lol a million people always say “I actually like Cherry Bomb” and it gets upvoted a ton bc believe it or not most Tyler fans also like Cherry Bomb

  16. nah but liking cherry bomb as in album is a lukewarm take, like cherry bomb as in the song is a hot hot take

  17. Sorry, I am yet to be programmed with a response for this type of inquiry.

  18. bread and chocolate milk, idk i didn't want to cook dinner

  19. bro just likes flexing his passport wtf are you on about? 😭

  20. it's his most valuable thing to be fair

  21. Macarons are easy to make if you don't get hung up un appearances and the once that look like they've seen some shit actually taste better and have better texture. Plus, the charm of making something homemade is that it'll be different every time.

  22. Your point in fact is an argument for the existence of God we live on a perfect planet, we have everything we need to survive and prosper on this very earth yet we see no other forms of life in the universe despite it being infinite

  23. we don't find life because even if we found life in another solar system, we don't have the technology to directly contact them as the closest solar system is still VERY far

  24. All I’ve heard is a lot of ifs, you guys are meant to be big on hard evidence yet all you come up with is theories

  25. because they are theories that are constructed using the knowledge we get from the hard evidence that you're talking about, now tell me, if the Abrahamic god is real, then who is anyone to say that gods such as zeus or anubis aren't real?

  26. Just to give a little more info- penetration can force all sorts of fluids into the woman’s urethra (the tiny pee hole- yup, women have THREE holes). It creates a perfect breeding ground for all sorts of bacteria which can then lead to a urinary tract infection. Peeing right after sex will flush out that bacteria. Edit- a word

  27. hold on, isn't there a gland supposed to disinfect the vagina?

  28. Where the hell are you seeing "latinx" being used? I never see it being seriously used, I only see people complaining about it.

  29. hell nah im not going to say latine.

  30. I can honestly smell it from here

  31. To be fair this is basically a Peruvian public school

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