1. That moment after he wakes up from his comma and Jimbae is trying to calm him down, and Luffy looks at him just beyond pissed of. Man, that was spectacular

  2. That's a tough call. I mean, my hatred, although unjustified and blind, is pretty strong by itself. But Toji is a Disappointed Asian Parent, which (as we all know) gives him a default bonus of +3 in hatred towards his descendants, so it might be a close match

  3. Fun fact. This dude went on the win the race with heat stroke. Collapsed at the finish line and ended up in the hospital.

  4. Hakari vs Kashimo. After seeing what they can do with Todo's imaginary stop moment, I expect nothing but the best out of Hakari's DE

  5. Puños arriba, a la altura de la mandíbula, codos adentro, busque la pose clásica de Tyson, es la defensa más solida.

  6. Toca socio , por llevar las cosas más pasivas el respeto hacia mi en el grupo se ha perdido

  7. Entonces hágale papi, pero lo que le digo, acabe rápido eso, pero no sé pase de verga. Usted no quiere cargar con el peso de arruinarle la vida a alguien por una pelea cula

  8. Excellent work by that farmer, but I can't help but hear the Benny Hill music in my head

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