1. I am just surprised this sub still exists...what is there to discuss? Who is still getting any benefit out of this? Look at MMTLP, congress is involved and they still have ZERO recompense.

  2. So yeah your cps is now lower because you removed all the shares that had a higher cps from the calculation. 🤷‍♂️. Did you essentially take the same position you sold?

  3. No I 3x my position, DRSd my high cost shares and have been buying leaps and shares.

  4. If you kept your high cost shares how did you harvest tax losses. It’s sounds like you’ve averaged down essentially but segregated your higher cost shares through direct reg so your cps calculation on new shares doesn’t include them.

  5. Bruh they've been converted to AMC shares like a year ago. They don't exist.

  6. IF that were the case, They would not still be trading in overseas markets. There also would not be open options chains still being actively traded in US and overseas markets.

  7. Uhh... Where exactly is APE and APE options still trading? I wound appreciate some links.

  8. Hope... hope is a good thing. But after 84 years, it's wearing thin. They want to play this all the way out.

  9. I am reminded of the Diamond miner meme. Hang on or don't history will record the winners, and Reddit will record the losers.

  10. Thank you oh magnanimous white knight...so caring for our financial health. Come on dude, do not think you are doing anything you are doing for our benefit. Dollars to doughnuts you are short, or are being directed by someone who is.

  11. If only there’s was some sort of regulatory enforcement agency that could prevent such blatant market manipulation 😂

  12. The SEC was never designed to do what you are expecting them to do. The SEC is a LIE that was created to lure retail investors back into the market. A Lie you seem to still believe in.

  13. B.S. no activity in 7 months and you come here to claim you are down 123K. Sorry dude, not passing the sniff test.

  14. It’s not like it’s not extremely realistic tho with what’s happened to SP. So if he’s not there are plenty of other people who are so why even question him?

  15. Because it is a common tactic to lie about being down substantial amounts to generate fear and negative sentiment.

  16. OF course, CNK is 124% owned by institutions, however that is possible. If the Money managers have long options or have long stock positions, they will let it run as hard and as fast as they want. AMC with its current Short interest about 25%...well not so much.

  17. Imagine if 263,000 of these hypothetical people decided (individually) to show proof of said ownership by directly registering their shares in their own names?

  18. Just purchased another 165 shares to add to the pile. love the tastiness of this dip.

  19. That is a boat load of moon tickets. I hope you become stupid ridiculous wealthy.

  20. Negative. I have lost functionality of 7 handsets in 2.5 years on my Quest 2. Either the Bluetooth goes out, or the handsets fail to address. This system is cheap garbage. The controllers failing has literally 10s of THOUSANDS of reports. That is why functioning controllers are commanding a premium on eBay and the like.

  21. I can attest to that. I work for D.E Shaw, my staff pass can be verified below.

  22. LMAO should have posted this April 1. Nobody is panicking. The money had already been moved. All they good old boy club is trying to do is keep it going long enough for them to bounce and find the right scape goat.

  23. 40 Million in Volume and price is going down So Fuckin Fake! Stock Market is rigged against the retail traders. They hate us!

  24. They do not hate us, they need us. They need someone to steal money from.

  25. Look into the board's past and what happened to those companies.

  26. Lots of Apes ignore this. I wonder why. Perhaps an At Length DD post is warranted.

  27. Looks like XL and L orders are mostly buys. They have gotten in big this morning.

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