1. Mehmed II was right. How can anyone ressist femboys

  2. at first I was stuck here with my daughter, then her mother managed to take her to Germany with her and I got depressed, then my mom died...

  3. Wow... that must've hurt, thanks for sharing. Do you yourself plan on leaving?

  4. I dunno.. its hard outside too.. believe it or not many people re sad and miss here, maybe Ill go to Argentina, trying to find an online job, save and such

  5. Not thinking of going to Europe closer to your daughter? I can get the sentimentality and missing home but is it really worth living a sh*tty life? Not trying to decide for you, just curious.

  6. Or, to be more factual. Sir that island you went to, the one you know is an illegal brothel that specializes in underage prostitutes. We'd kinda like an explanation as to why you didn't inform the authorities about it.Ā 

  7. Its a list of contacts, not clients. You know, like when you get a number from some dude then never call him again? The other dude arguing with you is trying to tell you that not all of them are evil.

  8. probably not tew ram, but the overheating and throtling, cuz laptops tend to do that

  9. I dont think its even a laptop. The R5 2600 was never installed in laptops.

  10. How many court cases are decided in favor of Arabs? If Arabs had political power then why canā€™t they share the road?

  11. There are Arab judges. And which court cases? Parking tickets? Domestic violence? Terrorism when assaulting IDF troops? When an Arab man is convicted for throwing stones at IDF personnel ofcourse they wont rule in their favour. Your problem is you have to involve their skin colour and what they believe instead of their actions.

  12. I should point out that the whole article is titled as an "opinion" with no checked facts. Try again.

  13. depends on what? on where you wont be incovinienced by being consistent with your hate?

  14. Depends on if i'll have to look at their challenged face and witness humanity's downgrade.

  15. awwww poor baby :< using stuff made by downgraded people to live better and complain about them living their best lives

  16. A baby is a small, infant human which i am not. If you cannot separate these two apart then how can people like you suddenly decide they want to be something they are not.

  17. Investing in some new talent probably. Im not saying there isn't an entire list of people who would be good for this but new directors need their shoot as well.

  18. If they were investing in new talent, they'd bring in a young director. They got a hard-on when they saw this old-ass woman of colour. I swear she probably never watched star wars and they have her directing a new movie because "yuupiee girl power" bullshit. The movie will be utter trash like the sequels were. Oh and it will be full of transgenders and gays mark my words. Woke fucking assholes.

  19. Come on. This is from the same genius who took one of the best known brand names on earth and decided to change it to X.

  20. How does renaming something takr away his genius title? The man is literally pushing the technological boundaries of the human race. This, i think is proof enough that he is a genius.

  21. He finds the people that do that and pushes deadlines onto them to get it done. He not the musician heā€™s the record label

  22. Okay and? You just described every single boss and company owner that ever lived.

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