1. Bruh how much of an ego do you have to have in order to lurk and even write that shit 😒

  2. Bruh it was so obvious she was lying about the conversation with Olivia and her getting the passwords to her music accounts

  3. Yeah one of the songs was like hearing poop and the other one was like hearing it

  4. Yeah. Fun fact he was also cast in a discovery channel show like snapped or who the bleep did I marry

  5. Wow that’s really mean and depreciating. How are you even supposed to take this. Why would they take even think it’s ok to say this?

  6. Like a hook down? I got my dads nose. What does it mean

  7. I don't see what's wrong with this, many people died to blood clots because of the so called "vaccine" also I never caught covid ever

  8. Good for you. Most of my family died from it.

  9. Make them moves bro, ask for her number, then ask her out. Be a gentleman. Open the door for her. Don’t mention sex. Lol

  10. I follow the fonz on twitter. Wholesome shit

  11. Pues cuando refugias a los nazis la arrogancia se multiplica, o no?

  12. I'm sure she's done a lot of things for drugs.

  13. The concern is that though it was a joke it still breaks an aspect of her capability as a human being

  14. I think they are good people more so than most reality tv stars

  15. But what if you found a third cat after a fire in a third world country and brought her to a first world country? Are there exceptions do to circumstances?

  16. That’s really fucked up. Nothing she doesn’t deserve your time

  17. Man this is weird to admit but I sometimes think about my grandma if I’m gonna cum too early

  18. This is gonna sound weird but I think that’s cute

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