1. Not sure the UK's moral reputation is something we have ever been able to flex, tbh.

  2. Sorry I’m an Irish lurker, isn’t Aberdeen yer oil capital? Would have thought that that would make it a more expensive city than it otherwise should be?

  3. The oil boom lasted about 30 years (ish) but is now declining hard. So salaries (and therefore prices) were sky high, but that's all changed. I think they fired something like 3000-4000 oil industry people in the last few years...

  4. Jesis that’s grim. Like it’s probably necessary but wasn’t half of the independence argument that the oil industry would sustain ye like Norway?

  5. The SNP's economic model was heavily reliant on oil (I think particularly short term for any transitionary costs re: independence) which is obviously kind of an unstable/unpredictable cornerstone.

  6. You are more likely to encounter ignorance without hate behind it (stupid questions and assumptions), rather than outright aggressive racism. So, it might still be upsetting, but maybe not scary. Of course, it only takes one incident to have an impact, I'm sure.

  7. Redditors try not to tie everything back to their shooty laser nostalgia special interests challenge: impossible.

  8. How the hell did J.G get a stranglehold on Scottish baked goods distribution. I say this as someone who grew up Aberdeenshire, in the hometown of JG's.

  9. Crathie bakery are another level when it comes to buttries. 

  10. On inspection of Google maps, they appear to be near Cock Bridge, so that's another incentive.

  11. Yea it just seemed like such a waste / pointless sacrifice

  12. I watched it again last night, and I think ultimately it's just to show the effectiveness of Feyd (and his scorched earth methods). She stays behind to act as a scout, but she gets caught. She's used to outsmarting a different breed of Harkonnen, I think, but the film wants us to know things have stepped up considerably.

  13. It's better than mediocre. Not a masterpiece, but it's definitely the kind of thing I'd sit through.

  14. If movies made money based on merit, Dune 2 would be the highest grossing science fiction movie of all time and The Force Awakens would have been such a catastrophic flop that it resulted in the cancellation and repivoting of the entire Star Wars sequel trilogy, which would be coming out around now.

  15. That crucial cocktail of hype, quality, and word of mouth that creates momentum for success was totally absent. Some movies are so good that they can generate their own growing hype and stay strong (or even grow stronger) throughout their run, some rely on a strong first push (or anticipation). Some a bit of both.

  16. It is a deeply unpleasant watching experience pretty much the whole time, but utterly fascinating

  17. I love stop-motion, and Tippett deserves all the respect...but is this movie basically just a 90 minute Tool music video full of squelchy gore/Event Horizon-ass aesthetics? Or is it more thoughtful/compelling than that?

  18. Hmm. Scanner Darkly? At least you get to see some of

  19. It’s the same guy who did Kingsman movies lol. Idk why people thought it was supposed to be anything except a fantastical ridiculous nonsense movie.

  20. So you truly think if you sat anyone down and put them on as many hours and even the same exercises of practice they would all be able to produce something like this? That’s just not how the real world works. Sure practice does make perfect. But perfect is relative to one’s overall ability which is as unique as anything else about a person

  21. The down voting here is ridiculous and motivated by insecurity.

  22. Though it's not really wrong. We see Washington as a higher than human figure, even if we don't want to. He's put on such a high pedestal by all of American society that it's even a subconscious thing to some extent. For all intents and purposes, George Washinton is like an American God

  23. Man, this could be a good little indie horror/thriller for all we know, but this trailer is horrendous. Bad mixing, incomprehensible, cheap/corny music. The producers need to get this re-cut and re-scored pronto if they can, because this is not their best foot forward for their project.

  24. Jesus christ, it was almost 20 years ago. And she apologized for it again like 5 years ago. What do people want? Just to be mad or virtue signal about something?

  25. Anyone who enjoyed Beyond Good & Evil, or is looking for a Ghibli-inspired Zelda, would really enjoy Kena: BoS. It's really good, beautiful music, environments and animation, and not too long.

  26. I don't like the idea of Millhouse watching two Daarios in the same movie.

  27. This comment is hilarious; the sheer amount confidence in being right while being totally wrong is just chef's kiss

  28. This is such a mental way of saying "they keep my bills paid/the lights on" and it feels so specific to Tim Robinson's brain and I just love that so much.

  29. It will be because I've been grieving the loss of a parent, but The Boy And The Heron was VERY coherent to me; both in its chosen symbolism and its expression of its themes. Death, legacy and the sheer insanity of grief; the way it makes you feel crazy, and the temptation to be reckless, to self-destruct, to hide from it or fight it, to transform yourself to try and get away, to be suspicious of emotions, to shirk your responsibilities, to lose yourself in work, or for the world to just leave you alone.

  30. I love this reading on The Boy and the Heron. Maybe it’s because when watching it, it had been the first Miyazaki movie I had watched in years, so I think I forgot that I just have to accept that the story is going to run on dream logic and metaphor. Accepting that over time is what helped me appreciate Howl more and more every time I watched it. And like I said, I’m super into what the film is doing thematically even if it kinda missed me on my initial viewing.

  31. It's for sure the least accessible, and I think my headspace just dialled me right into what Miyazaki was expressing; the complexity of sorrow, loss, and the feeling of running out of time.

  32. The only dumb person in this story is your wife. Please tell her literally every single person on this thread concurs. Fucking book smart? No. Objectively, shamefully, profoundly stupid by every single conceivable metric. To then try to claim you are a coward because you didn't escalate a potentially dangerous situation is disgraceful. Does she have a bunch of visible dents in her head? Christ.

  33. My favorite genre of internet comment is grown ass adults mad about thing made for kids.

  34. Cool. My favourite genre of internet comment is people thinking family/kids movies should get a free pass on being total dogshit, even though it's proven over and over you can have both quality and age-appropriate content.

  35. If I had to guess I’d say he plays the patriarch of the family that The Creature hides beneath the house of. The father reads Paradise Lost aloud to the family, so it’d be a good use of Ineson’s dulcet tones.

  36. Yeah, good call, I hope so! Loved his voice/presence in The Green Knight; short screen time but big impact.

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